Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
December 19, 2016

Bulldogs Give Back for the Holidays

Bulldogs Give Back for the Holidays - bulldogs-give-back-for-the-holidays
Bulldogs Give Back for the Holidays

We’re proud to announce the tremendous results of our holiday collection drives!

Bulldogs Give Back for the Holidays We’re proud to announce the tremendous results of our holiday collection drives.

We’re proud to announce the tremendous results of our holiday collection drives!

Chicago Commons Food Drive

First up was a Thanksgiving food drive supporting Chicago Commons. After just two weeks of collecting dried and canned food items, we donated enough to feed 70+ families across Chicago!

Chicago Commons Toy Drive

Our toy drive for Chicago Commons was also a success. Our families’ giving spirit quickly filled the collection bins and resulted in more than 210 toys. During Community Time, Secondary students wrapped and organized the gifts for pick up by Chicago Commons.

Angel Tree Toy Collection

We also collected gifts for the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program, which helps ensure a joyous holiday experience for children in need. Approximately 70 families across the school donated gifts for more than 130 children. These will be distributed in time for Christmas. 

Spectacular Holiday Bazaar

We'd like to say a BIG "thanks" to students, parents and staff for supporting the Holiday Bazaar. Proceeds from the holiday-themed entertainment, games and shopping stalls raised approximately $4,500 for Chicago Commons! Check out photos of the event here on our Facebook page.