Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
May 12, 2016

History Repeated: Students Compete at State History Fair

History Repeated: Students Compete at State History Fair - history-repeated-students-compete-at-state-history-fair
History Repeated: Students Compete at State History Fair
History Repeated: Students Compete at State History Fair For the second straight year, our students competed in Illinois History Day, a statewide history fair in Springfield, Illinois.

For the second straight year, our students competed in Illinois History Day, a statewide history fair in Springfield, Illinois.

Year 7 students Chris and Samuel qualified to take part after achieving high marks on their project, “The World’s Tallest Skyscraper”, at the Chicago Metro History Fair in February.

Competing in Illinois History Day is a huge achievement! Of the 15,000 projects submitted by students across the state, only the top five percent qualify for the state competition. On top of this, Chris and Samuel took home a Ribbon of Excellence! Well done, boys.

While visiting the state capital, Chris and Samuel stopped by the Lincoln Home National Historic Site and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum with History Specialists Ms. Lauren Flanagan and Ms. Laura Anson. Check out photos above.