Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
April 19, 2016

Global Campus Special Report

Nord Anglia Students in class
Global Campus Special Report

April has been a busy month for students in Nord Anglia Education’s family of 42 schools. They've been occupied with challenges and competitions in school, online and worldwide. Read on to learn more!

Global Campus Special Report April has been a busy month for students in Nord Anglia Education’s family of 42 schools. They've been occupied with challenges and competitions in school, online and worldwide. Read this special report to learn more!

April has been a busy month for students in Nord Anglia Education’s family of 42 schools. They've been occupied with challenges and competitions in school, online and worldwide. Read on to learn more!

Our students are part of more than just one school. They join Nord Anglia Education’s Global Campus, connecting them with friends in Nord Anglia Education’s 42 international schools around the world to learn together every day.

Through online, in school and worldwide experiences, Nord Anglia Education helps every student explore the world, learn new skills and set their sights higher with an international perspective. 

Global Campus Online is a secure and moderated environment where students can access a wide variety of challenges and resources, learning with 34,000 other Nord Anglia students around the world.

In addition to the outstanding curricula and programmes offered in Nord Anglia Education schools, Global Campus In School’s activities and competitions enable students to collaborate in teams to create innovative solutions.

Finally, Global Campus Worldwide takes learning beyond the school campus, bringing together students from around the world through truly inspirational experiences.

How to make everyday objects do extraordinary things

Stacks of dictionaries, books, cardboard tubes, lollypop sticks, masking tape, empty plastic bottles and many other seemingly mundane items lay strewn across gym floors in Nord Anglia Education schools around the world. Students mill around, thoughtfully picking and choosing items. To a stranger, this may look like a massive recycling project, but there’s more to the scene than meets the eye.

Our students have harnessed their creative and problem-solving skills to perform an ordinary task in an extraordinary way for this year’s Global Campus Challenge. We asked our students to create an ambitious Rube Goldberg machine, and children of all ages have worked together to design and construct complicated chain reactions with amazing results.  

At BISC South Loop, students across the school recently devoted an entire afternoon to building the most exciting and inventive Rube Goldberg machines ever. Thanks to parents, we collected hundreds of items to help build the machines, and students put a ton of thought into how the parts could work together. After several trials, every small group was able to construct a successful Rube Goldberg machine and documented their work on video using our iPads. 

Encouraging ambition

This challenge, along with all our activities, embodies Nord Anglia’s philosophy of being ambitious. We encourage our students to stretch themselves further, to try something new and to believe they can achieve beyond what they may have thought possible.

Earlier this year, students from across our family of Nord Anglia Education schools shared what being ambitious means to them through videos, raps and poems to inspire other students to be ambitious. The winners of this year's challenge are Nuyen Duc Tuan, Nguyen Hoan Minh, Mai Hoang Giang and Le Tuan Long, from the British International School Hanoi, who captured personal stories from their friends and teachers. Watch their video and see more entries from our students here.

Students also explored our philosophy of being ambitious in this year’s Creative Writing Competition. Hundreds of students shared entries, and from short stories of ambition to biographical sketches of people that have shaped our world, the standard of writing was outstanding. BISC South Loop is home to two winners of the challenge. Sofi (Year 6) is one of 31 winners in the Primary School category, and Sophie (Year 12) lands among 15 winners in the Upper Secondary School category. The winning entries will be published in an anthology later this year to celebrate their accomplishments and to encourage them to continue writing, creating and being ambitious. 

Learning has no limits

Being ambitious is also taking students outside the classroom. Over the last few months, more than 600 Nord Anglia Education students have participated in our citizenship expedition to Tanzania where they have worked hard to build and install solar powered lighting systems, smokeless stoves and goat sheds for families in the villages around Kitefu and Madi ya Chai, and constructed two houses for teachers at Kitefu Primary School.

Skills for the modern world

So how does Global Campus support your child’s learning? We are committed to creating unique opportunities for students that inspire them to be ambitious in their learning. On top of helping broaden your child’s knowledge linked to key curriculum areas, Global Campus activities are designed to nurture key transferable skills such as creativity, collaboration and critical thinking, which will benefit every child in school, university and later life.

Visit our new social hub to see how children in Nord Anglia Education schools around the world are learning, growing and having fun in our Global Campus every day.