Our Firefly virtual learning environment (VLE) supports truly personalised learning, enabling our teachers to track students’ progress, input into their work, and set tasks online.
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Students with iPad

Firefly is our virtual learning environment (VLE) for students, teachers, and parents. It supports our personalised learning approach, enabling teachers to track your child's progress, set homework, and provide feedback.

Firefly also brings together other elements of your child’s time at school, including extra-curricular achievements and photo galleries showing what they’ve been up to. Throughout the year, your child's teachers will add assignments (which can be submitted online via the website), create discussion forums, and share topics linked to classroom themes. Teachers will also provide links to useful websites. Each year group has its own page, too.

Firefly is great because it creates a connection between home and school, giving you full access to your child’s education.


Access and online security

Firefly is a school-based website, which means only registered users can access the site. This means it’s a safe and welcoming social learning network for children, parents, and teachers.

Please note that you need to register before you first login to Firefly. For more information, please read through our registration guidelines below.

Firefly | British International School Bratislava - Downloads 3-download icon

Email registration - parents

63256-email-registration--parents.pdf (164 KB)

Firefly | British International School Bratislava - Downloads 2-download icon

Forgot your password - parents

Forgot your password - parents.pdf (155 KB)

Firefly | British International School Bratislava - Downloads 1-download icon

Login - parents

Login - parents.pdf (117 KB)

Firefly | British International School Bratislava - Downloads-download icon

Login - students

Login - students.pdf (160 KB)
