Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 September, 2021

CAS Activities Year 7 -11

CAS Activities Year 7 -11 - cas-activities-year-7-11
CAS Activities Year 7 -11 CAS Years 7 to 11 kicked off with a start on the 9th of September with students going to their first activity. We had Zumba to biking to history club to drawing and more. Each fortnight we will bring you some information about some of the clubs that we are running.

CAS Years 7 to 11 kicked off with a start on the 9th of September with students going to their first activity. We had Zumba to biking to history club to drawing and more. Each fortnight we will bring you some information about some of the clubs that we are running. This is what our students  and teachers have to say....

Year 7 Sock Monkey


White socks, black socks, colourful socks, polka dot socks laid all around the desks in Mr. Gilmore’s class. Filled with expectation and excitement, I could not wait to get started with making sock monkeys. The sock monkey curriculum club was my top choice from the clubs being offered and I was very happy to have my spot. Mr. James G. patiently explained the steps toward making a sock monkey, he even showed us the most adorable sock monkeys he had made. The instructions looked fairly easy and I was already picturing myself holding my beautiful sock monkey in my hands. However, in my head, I was debating whether I should cut up the cute grey socks with white clouds I had brought. I do not like destroying cute things but somehow I convinced myself that giving these socks a second chance is the best thing I can do for them, so I started making my monkey. So exciting.

To be continued…………. Well next fortnight in class.

By Bea Marie C.

Year 7 Biking


During this CAS activity, students are learning about road safety. Students are being shown the best way to indicate, approach junctions and more. They also learn what all the road signs mean. They discuss what is the best kit to wear and why. The club is about helping students to have fun on their bikes as well as working out.

Year 8 French


In our Year 7 and 8  French classes this year, M. Gobert has set a challenge for us which is to try and complete our first DELF tests. In this club, we practice our French skills with M. Gobert and practice activities we might come across in the tests. This then further on helps us apply our French knowledge when needed. In my opinion, this is very helpful for not only the tests but also overall with learning a language. 

By Sara K.

Year 9 Meditation


We had our first meditation club hour with Ms. Cebova this Thursday, and we discussed what meditation is and why it’s good for us to meditate. We did three different activities all linked to helping us calm down and take more notice of the situation around us. Ms. Cebova said that the first lesson would be slightly different from the other lessons because she will do less talking and explaining, and we will do more activities, so I’m looking forward to that.

By Kristina K.

Year 10 Writing Plays


In playwriting, we are working on creating our very own original piece of theatre. So far we have explored what we should and shouldn’t do when creating. We explored how different components fit into different topics and what drama techniques are appropriate to use in which circumstances. I think this is a great activity for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge on drama, get more comfortable performing and writing and anyone who wants to express their creativity in general. 

By Mia S.

Year 11 Urban Drawing


In our first lesson, we looked into some urban sketch artists and get inspired by their urban skills. We discussed certain elements in their work revolving around their process of sketching and techniques. Once we have found a suitable location to expand our creativity, we separate and start to flourish with the beauties. We are presented with lots of interesting things to draw, some honorable mentions being - kid getting chased by a bike, PE students doing activities such as monkey bars, football, frisbee and most importantly being our muses.  Also, some less random examples including -buildings and people surrounding the school, gates and gardens, lush with greenery, construction workers. It was absolutely fantastic seeing our students go out of their comfort zones, trying out new things and improve both their observational and social skills. We are very proud of them!

By Belen Berkmen