Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 March, 2021

Junior Maths Competition

Junior Maths Competition - junior-maths-competition
Junior Maths Competition On Saturday 13th March, 12 of our Year 10 and Year 11 students competed in the challenging annual ISMTF (International Schools Maths Teacher Foundation) Junior Maths Competition.

On Saturday 13th March, 12 of our Year 10 and Year 11 students competed in the challenging annual ISMTF (International Schools Maths Teacher Foundation) Junior Maths Competition.

This year's competition was held virtually, for obvious reasons, but there was still a highly collaborative and competitive atmosphere. The students firstly completed 90 minutes of individual questions before breaking into teams of 3, for another 90 minutes of problem-solving. The overall standard of competition was very high - the real cream of Europe's International Mathletes in this age-group - and our students were a real credit to themselves and the school.

Particular congratulations go to Seungbin Ch. who was the top scorer from BISB and placed 30th of 200 students in the individual round, and the team of In Seo P., Czewon R. and Sebastian K. who were our best performing team on the day.

Well done to all!