Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 October, 2017

School without plastic bags

School without plastic bags - school-without-plastic-bags
School without plastic bags

Do you think you could live without plastic bags? Well, just speak to your grandparents and ask them about their childhood, they will surely tell you that they remember times when such thing like plastic was not used and did not litter our world.

School without plastic bags School without plastic bags

Do you think you could live without plastic bags? Well, just speak to your grandparents and ask them about their childhood, they will surely tell you that they remember times when such thing like plastic was not used and did not litter our world.

Have you heard about a country which has banned the production and use of plastic bags? Do you think that such country exists and that life without plastic bags is impossible? It might be a great surprise for you to find out that such a country does exist - it is in Africa. It surprised us too when we found out that in Kenya producing selling or even using plastic bags can lead to imprisonment for up to four years, or fines of $40,000, this has been in place since August 2017. Some Kenyans complain about the impact of such legislation on their everyday lives. They can't imagine their lives without plastic bags, but they will have to learn. We think it is possible. It just takes a bit of rethinking of our usual habits or maybe asking older people how they coped without plastic when they were young. If it was possible then, it can be possible now. It might be less convenient, but it is friendlier to the environment.

Here is challenge for you - think of alternatives to plastic bags that you could use for school and try to use them. If a whole country can operate without plastic bags, one school can too!

Adriana Pallova
Biology Teacher