Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 October, 2017

Science Club Needs Your Help!

Science Club Needs Your Help! - science-club-needs-your-help
Science Club Needs Your Help!
Science Club Needs Your Help!

Fifteen children from Years 2 - 4 have been having a great time in Primary Science Club! We have been planting seeds and asking lots of questions about the world around us. In the next few weeks we are going to be finding out how electrical things work, but to do this, we need to find some old electrical items to safely take apart. If you have any old electrical items that are broken (for example, computer monitors, printers, dvd players…) we would love to have them. They can be collected and stored in 5C’s classroom in the Science Corner and when Science Clubbers “deconstruct” them, we will show you what we’ve found out!