If you’re reading this on Friday, then yes, it is Mole Day!
Mole Day is an international day to celebrate the wonders of chemistry!
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If you’re reading this on Friday, then yes, it is Mole Day!
Mole Day is an international day to celebrate the wonders of chemistry!
If you’re reading this on Friday, then yes, it is Mole Day!
Mole Day is an international day to celebrate the wonders of chemistry!
It is celebrated on October 23rd from 6:02AM to 18:02 PM and commemorates Avogadro’s number - 6.02 ×〖10〗^23. So why is it celebrated at this particular time? Well if you write the time and date in an American style, you get 6.02 on 10 23. Hey presto, Avagadro’s number!
This number is the basic measuring unit for chemistry and helps all chemists, including our IB and IGCSE students, carry out important calculations. Without this number there would be no chemistry, and without chemistry there would be no plastics, no batteries for your phone and no fuel for your car. So join the whole world in saying hooray for moles and hooray for chemistry!
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