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News image Global Campus Young Virtual Musician Winners! - global-campus-young-virtual-musician-winners News | celebratingsuccess | Celebrating Success | Global Campus
Global Campus Young Virtual Musician Winners!
The results are in and we are so proud of all of our highly talented students at BISB who took part in this truly Global music competition.
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News image Special Educational Needs (SEN) - special-educational-needs-sen Blog | insights | Educational Insights
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
In these days of inclusive education, we are all teachers of learners with learning difficulties. Across the NAE family of schools we all work hard to support these students with SEN to make good progress, and technology means that we can even make it possible for children and young people with significant difficulties to have full access to the curriculum. However, not everyone feels as confident with this area of their teaching as they would like to so. The SEN Community in Nord Anglia University is a great way for all SEN and Learning Support teachers to share information and resources and ask questions.
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News image The Canadian Computing Competition - the-canadian-computing-competition News | schoolnews | Celebrating Success | Homepage Featured Article | School News
The Canadian Computing Competition
The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is a fun challenge for Secondary School students with an interest in programming. It is an opportunity for students to test their ability in designing, understanding and implementing algorithms.
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News image Tipy na udržanie duševného zdravia počas virtuálnej výučby - tipy-na-udranie-duevnho-zdravia-poas-virtulnej-vuby Blog | homelearningsupport | Home Learning Support
Tipy na udržanie duševného zdravia počas virtuálnej výučby
Vážení rodičia, Vieme, že je to ťažký čas pre našu komunitu, karanténa a úzkosť okolo koronavírusu môže mať vplyv na vaše blaho. Ohnisko koronavírusu COVID-19 ovplyvnila ľudí rôznymi spôsobmi v medzinárodnom meradle. Je pochopiteľné, že v časoch, ako je tento, ľudia môžu mať pocit strachu, úzkosti a byť ohromený neustále sa meniacimi varovaniami a mediálnymi správami, pokiaľ ide o šírenie vírusu.
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News image BISB Graduate 2017 accepted to Cambridge! - bisb-graduate-2017-accepted-to-cambridge News | celebratingsuccess | Celebrating Success | Homepage Featured Article | School News
BISB Graduate 2017 accepted to Cambridge!
Read about the amazing success of our BISB Graduate 2017, Tereza R. who made it all the way to the University of Cambridge!
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News image Soap Snow Flakes at Nursery - soap-snow-flakes-at-nursery News | schoolnews | School News
Soap Snow Flakes at Nursery
It is winter and although it is cold outside, we haven’t had proper white snow yet! The Nursery children decided to make some snow inside so they could play with it.
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News image News Default Image News | celebratingsuccess | Celebrating Success | Homepage Featured Article
DOROTEA L. achieved a perfect score in the NCSS Challenge (Intermediate) 2019.
The NCSS Challenge is a competition for school students run by the Australian Computing Academy at the University of Sydney.
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News image An inspirational story to share with our community - an-inspirational-story-to-share-with-our-community News | celebratingsuccess | Celebrating Success | Homepage Featured Article
An inspirational story to share with our community
Do you want your child to go to the best universities in the world? (MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge...). Don't settle for second best, come to the best school in Slovakia!
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News image Gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award - gold-level-of-the-duke-of-edinburghs-international-award News | schoolnews | Celebrating Success | School News
Gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Nadine P. our freshly graduated student has got her gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award approved!
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News image Student's experience at the Stanford Summer Session programme - students-experience-at-thestanford-summer-session-programme News | schoolnews | Celebrating Success | Homepage Featured Article | School News
Student's experience at the Stanford Summer Session programme
During the Summer I attended the Stanford Summer Session. It was an eight-week program where I lived on the Stanford campus in a dormitory and got to know other students from all around the world.
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News image Celebrating neurodiversity - celebrating-neurodiversity News | schoolnews | Homepage Featured Article | School News
Celebrating neurodiversity
At BISB we believe that all children deserve the necessary support to enable them to reach their full potential.
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News image Writing a Personal Statement | BISB Bratislava  - Writing a Personal Statement Blog
Writing a Personal Statement
Learn how to write a personal statement from The British International School Bratislava, where we educate students on all the application elements.
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Trips and Expeditions
Discover the different trips and expeditions offered to students at The British International School Bratislava, including the Tanzania expedition.
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Virtual Discovery Meeting
Learn about taking a Virtual Discovery Meeting offered by The British International School Bratislava, a personalised virtual tour of our school.
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Summer Internship Programme
Learn about The British International School Bratislava Summer Internship Programme, including application information for the remarkable opportunity.
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News image Sports | British International School Bratislava  - Sports Blog
Learn about the different sports and physical activities offered to students at The British International School Bratislava, including sports clubs.
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News image Student Success Stories | British International School Bratislava - Student Success Stories Blog
Student Success Stories
Browse student success stories from The British International School Bratislava, where we believe there is no limit to what our students can achieve.
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News image ISMTF Maths Competition - ismtf-maths-competition News | schoolnews | Celebrating Success | School News
ISMTF Maths Competition
On Friday 5th April Mr Shkurka accompanied six of our Year 8 and Year 9 students to the annual International School Maths Teacher Foundation (ISMTF) middle school competition.
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