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BISB Student to Be Recognized at Mayoral Ceremony
British International School of Boston high school student Teal Fechtor-Pradines will be honored as part of a mayoral ceremony at the Boston Police Department next Monday, recognized for heroic actions that helped save the life of a Boston Common park ranger last month.
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News image ModelUN Blog | StudentSuccess | Our School Day | Student Success
BISB Middle School Students Take Home Three Model UN Awards
The British International School of Boston had one of the smallest student teams at the Model United Nations conference at Northeastern University last weekend, but they didn't let that stop them from bringing home awards.
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News image FirstDay5 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Homepage Featured Article | Student Success
BISB Student Recognized for Life-Saving Aid
BISB high school student Teal Fechtor-Pradines is being recognized for his heroic efforts to save the life of a Boston Common park ranger who was attacked while on the job in Boston Common last month. Read more about Teal's amazing work!
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News image NoahYearbookPhoto Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Alumni Success | Homepage Featured Article | Student Success
BISB Graduate Featured in Local Newspaper
Noah Fechtor-Pradines (BISB '14) was recognized in the Jamaica Plain Gazette this month after achieving a rare perfect score on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.
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News image HS maths class Blog | OurSchoolDay | Our School Day | Student Success | Teaching Practice
BISB Students to Enter American Maths Competition
BISB students are hard at work developing their math skills this fall, preparing for an entrance in the annual American Maths Competition in November.
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News image HS maths class Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Homepage Featured Article | Student Success
BISB Students Score Highly on IGCSE Exams
British International School of Boston students were honored once again for earning top marks on the annual IGCSE exams, taken by Year 11 students in June.
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News image KiraTosi16 Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Homepage Featured Article | Our School Day | Student Success
BISB Student Explores St. Croix Through Service
BISB middle school student Kira Tosi spent part of her summer helping others, volunteering with a service group in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Learn more about her experience.
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