Our healthy, nutritious lunch menu offers a range of choices to suit everyone's tastes. We also teach our children the importance of hygiene, eating well, and getting active. Read more about and download our BIS Hanoi lunch menus below.
British international school Hanoi canteen

BIS Hanoi lunch menu and snacks

We provide meals and snacks that are both delicious and balanced, with controlled quantities of fat, sugar, and salt. This ensures our children enjoy food and drink consistent with their dietary needs and their parents' wishes.

Lunches are freshly prepared every day by Aden, our professional catering provider. Aden is certified by the local health and safety regulators, and operates strict quality and hygienic control. Water is available throughout the school campus, at all times.

Our lunch and snacks menu will be updated on the monthly basis.

BIS Hanoi Lunch Menu | British International School Hanoi - Downloads-download icon

BIS Hanoi Lunch Menu (January 2025)

BIS Hanoi January 2025.pdf (1 MB)
