20 September, 2024

Exploring languages through film: A fun and educational week for our students

Exploring languages through film: A fun and educational week for our students | British International School Hanoi - Exploring Languages Through Film A Fun and Educational Week for Our Students

This week, our school had the pleasure of offering two special movie sessions for our language students, one in French and one in Spanish. These sessions weren’t just about enjoying a good film—they were a fantastic opportunity to dive deeper into the languages and cultures we’re learning about in class.

Exploring languages through film: A fun and educational week for our students | British International School Hanoi - Exploring Languages Through Film A Fun and Educational Week for Our Students

Here’s why these experiences are so important and what they mean for our students. 

Why Learn a Foreign Language? 

Learning a foreign language opens up a world of possibilities! It enhances cognitive skills, improves academic performance, and boosts self-confidence. More than just a skill, it’s a gateway to understanding different perspectives and connecting with people from around the globe. 

Exploring languages through film: A fun and educational week for our students | British International School Hanoi - Exploring Languages Through Film A Fun and Educational Week for Our Students

Discovering New Cultures

Movies are a wonderful way to immerse ourselves in another culture. The French and Spanish films shown this week offered our students a glimpse into the everyday lives, traditions, and values of people from French-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries. Through these films, students can experience the beauty and diversity of other cultures, which enriches their global awareness and empathy. 

Applying Language Skills

Watching movies in the target language helps students practice their listening and comprehension skills in a fun and engaging way. It’s one thing to learn vocabulary and grammar rules in the classroom, but seeing the language used naturally in context helps students understand how to use it in real life. It’s also a fantastic way to see how language can express different emotions and ideas. 

A Shared Experience

These movie sessions were not just educational but also a chance for students to enjoy a shared cultural experience with their peers. It’s a reminder that learning a new language is not just about individual achievement but about connecting with others who share similar interests and passions. 

We hope these movie sessions sparked a new interest in our students and encouraged them to explore even more about the languages and cultures they are studying. Remember, the journey of learning a new language is filled with exciting discoveries and opportunities for growth. Let’s keep supporting our students as they continue to explore the world through language! 

Mr. Garcia
Whole School Head of Modern Foreign Language