24 November, 2023

Secondary School Update (24 November 2023)

Secondary School Update (24 November 2023) | British International School in Hanoi | BIS Hanoi - Secondary School Update
Weekly update from Head of Secondary
Dear Secondary School Community,

This week, our school joined millions of people around the world in celebrating World Children's Day. This special day holds great significance as it commemorates the anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a vital international treaty that recognises and protects the rights of children everywhere.

To mark this occasion and raise awareness for children's rights, on Friday, November 24th, our students, teachers, and staff wore blue colours, symbolising our solidarity and commitment to promoting the welfare and wellbeing of children worldwide.

World Children's Day serves as a reminder that every child deserves to be treated with dignity, respect, and equality. It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the progress made in safeguarding children's rights and to renew our dedication to creating a better future for all young individuals. 

During the week, our school also incorporated activities and discussions in classrooms that highlighted the significance of children's rights and the role each of us can play in making a positive impact.

By educating our students about their rights and empowering them to become advocates for change, we are nurturing a generation that values and defends the rights of every child.

Warm regards, 

Chris Newman 

Head of Secondary

Key Dates

  • 29th - 30th November: Secondary Production
  • 30th November: Friends of BIS Meeting
  • 6th December: Year 13 Parents Evening 4:15 - 7:15 pm
  • 8th December: Christmas Community Event (No CCAs)
  • 15th December: End of Term 1 

Pastoral Update on Year 13

Year 13: Celebrating Achievements and Looking Ahead

As we approach the end of the first term, we are excited to share some remarkable achievements and updates on the progress of our students in Year 13. It has been a dynamic and engaging period, filled with academic accomplishments, leadership initiatives, and meaningful contributions from our student body.

Our Model United Nations (MUN) team has once again demonstrated excellence and dedication. The FOBISIA Model United Nations event, supported in the organisation by some of our Year 13s, united over 140 students from 13 international schools in Asia. The students involved have not only honed their public speaking and critical thinking skills but have also represented our school admirably on a larger stage. The experiences gained through MUN not only foster global awareness but also instill a sense of responsibility and leadership in our students.

The Prefects have been actively engaged in the process of selecting new student Heads of Portfolios in Year 12. Their commitment and enthusiasm for guiding the next generation of leaders are commendable. The interviews for student leadership positions have been underway, and the prefects have played a crucial role in shaping the future of our school's leadership.

In the academic realm, our Year 13 students have been diligently working on their internal assessments (IAs) and investigations (IOs) across various subjects. Their commitment to academic excellence is evident, and we are proud of the effort they have put into their studies. These assessments not only contribute to their overall academic development but also prepare them for the challenges of higher education.

We held our Year 13 BISCAS Week at the end of October. This took place during the residential period of other year groups and centred around providing the Year 13s with skills, challenges, and guidance to support their academic priorities, university preparation, wellbeing, and community bonding. It was a great success, and to quote a Year 13 student, “The big takeaway from the experiences this week is to not stress yourself and always plan ahead so you never need to put yourself in such situations to feel too stressed.” So, in line with looking ahead to Year 13...

Trial exams are scheduled to begin in January, marking a crucial phase in the IB/BIS programme. We encourage both students and parents to start preparing for this significant assessment period. This is an excellent opportunity for students to consolidate their learning and showcase their academic strengths.

I want to also use this opportunity to remind both students and parents about the Year 13 Parents Evening, which is taking place on Wednesday, December 6. Booking appointments will be on the school cloud. This is an excellent opportunity to speak to teachers about students' progress and specific steps for improvement.

In conclusion, we extend our gratitude to both students and parents for their continuous support and involvement in the vibrant life of our school. Together, we look forward to a successful continuation of the academic year, filled with growth, achievement, and memorable experiences.

Warm regards,

Ms. Victoria Embling

Head of Year 13

Learning Showcase


Our Year 7 students are embarking on an exciting creative writing competition, organized by the English department. This year, in collaboration with the Geography department, the theme revolves around using famous natural landmarks worldwide to write their own exciting myth or legend. Students will explore the chosen landmark, blending their narrative skills with geographical knowledge. They will research its history, cultural significance, and environmental features, fostering cross-curricular connections.

Guided by their teachers, students will refine their storytelling techniques and develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world while also reflecting on their work in English lessons focusing on global myths and legends. They'll have access to resources and receive feedback to enhance their creative endeavours.

The competition culminates in a winner being chosen through our Global Campus by guest judge, author Wendy Shearer. This event celebrates their creative achievements and effective communication through the written word.

Runners up will earn a special certificate and a gold Global Campus Creativity pin badge. The winners will earn a special certificate, a gold Global Campus Creativity pin badge, and will have their story illustrated and published in the Story Sacks area of Global Campus!

Nurturing creativity and a love for writing are vital for holistic development. The competition provides a platform for Year 7 students to unleash their imagination, develop storytelling skills, and understand the world.

We eagerly anticipate witnessing the exceptional talent and creativity of our Year 7 students.

World Children’s Day: Global Goals CCA and UNICEF Ambassadors

In celebration of World Children's Day, BIS Hanoi grew the voices of students and looked at 'rights of children' through a social media takeover. World Children's Day, on November 20th, is a day committed to promoting international togetherness, raising awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's health. The theme this year was 'inclusion for every child,' and we aimed to focus on the importance of Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Our BIS UNICEF ambassadors took the lead, along with the Global Goals CCA team! We worked on a week-long social media takeover, exploring different inequalities and how #ShapingTheFuture can happen if we work together. We young leaders shared our knowledge gained from a memorable trip to UNICEF in New York City. This special opportunity as UNICEF ambassadors helped us with personal growth, leadership development, and, most importantly, a platform for our voices to be heard.

The decision to manage a social media takeover came from our commitment to fostering global citizenship and allowing students to be active participants in creating a better world. By using Facebook, we wanted to spark conversations in our community about global issues important to us, such as animal welfare, climate change, mental health, and the importance of children's voices in working towards the Global Goals.

World Children's Day Social Media Take Over | BIS Hanoi

The week ended with a celebration of children's rights as students wore blue as a symbol of unity and support. This collaborative effort gave us a sense of responsibility and understanding as students, encouraging us to take meaningful actions for a brighter and more inclusive world for all children. Together, we are truly shaping the future. 💙🌍 #KidsTakeOver #NAEUNICE#WorldChildrensDay 

World Children's Day 2023 | BIS Hanoi

Global Goals Team: Robyn, Da In, Pitt, Ye Jun, YeYoung, Hyo Lim, Mina, and Minh Anh