Secondary School Updates (25 November 2022) | British International School Hanoi - secondary-school-updates
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25 November, 2022

Secondary School Updates (25 November 2022)

Secondary School Updates (25 November 2022) On Monday, November 21st, we had our latest Parent Connect series workshop, this time led by our fabulous student leaders.

Key Dates | Pastoral Update | UNISMUNSecondary Learning Showcase

Weekly update from Head of Secondary

Dear Parents,

On Monday, November 21st, we had our latest Parent Connect series workshop, this time led by our fabulous student leaders. The workshop was titled "How to Talk to Your Child about Their Report." Members of the Teaching and Learning Prefect Committee designed and delivered the workshop to a group of 16 parents, with the support of Ms. Stephanie Miller. The workshop was a tremendous success. One parent described the experience as inspirational. I couldn't agree more. This workshop is an outstanding example of student agency in action, and we hope to repeat it in the future.

Then, on Thursday, we had our first in-person parent's evening since 2019. Year 11 parents and students met with their teachers in the library to discuss the progress that has been made in their subjects so far this year. It suffices to say how delighted we all are to be able to host parent evenings on campus once again. Parent's evenings are an important experience for students and parents to build connections, better understand what is being learned and how it is being taught, and understand what the next steps are in terms of learning progress. Next week we will invite Year 13 parents to campus, and we look forward to hosting them here once again.

Chris Newman 

Head of Secondary 

Key Dates
  • Tuesday 1st December: Year 13 Parents' Evening  

  • Monday 7th - Tuesday 8th December: Chicago Production 

  • Wednesday 14th December: Winter Concert 

  • Friday 16th December: Principal Award's Assembly

Pastoral Update on Year 9

Year 9s have had a brilliant start to the year, full of learning, activities, and zest!

Early on in the term, we had the form tutor photo challenge, the guess the teacher's house competition, the whole-year choir for the welcome-back celebration day, and much more!

We’ve been through a lot already, in terms of organization and academia. Year 9s have finished up with their options selection for the IGCSE, after a significant lead-up in wellbeing lessons, interviews with older students, the parent options evening, and other checkpoints. This is a massive milestone for the year group and a good sign of their growing responsibility and maturity.

We have also selected our form tutor representatives and Head of Key Stage 3 representatives from Year 9, all of whom now gather fortnightly for their meetings, and some of whom attend the student council meetings with Head of Wellbeing, Mr. Taylor, looking into diet and uniform among other pertinent student interests and concerns.

We are now looking ahead to an exciting trip to Phong Nha next January with the whole year group—a brilliant chance to bond and enjoy time together after the disconnection of COVID and also to strengthen our team-building skills as a cohort. I personally can’t wait for this—even if the caves are a little cold, they will still be majestic!

Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoyed a snapshot into what Year 9s have been getting up to.  

Nathan Miller Royters 

Head of Year 9 

UNISMUN Conference 

On the 11th and 12th of November, a group of 16 intrepid students embarked upon a journey to UNIS for the epic MUN conference annually held there. Our delegates were the youngest in the entire conference—some from Year 8s—and the majority of them were first-timers. Bravo, BIS! What a wonderful reflection of your brave, ambitious spirit!

The delegates reflected the school very well, donning professional attire and adopting the formal language appropriate and customary for MUN ("this delegate believes," "The People’s Republic of China strongly advocates"), conducting themselves with much panache and sophistication.

Ms. Cooper and I were very proud to take our students on this very successful experience and were thrilled to hear how much they enjoyed it. 

Read more about how our students discussed thougt-provoking ideas at UNISMUN conference HERE

Mr. Royters 

Teacher of English Language & Literature 

Head of Year 9, MUN Director 

Learning Showcase 

Global Goals CCA – World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 by the United Nations and is marked every November 20th by UNICEF. This day was established to create a better world by creating a better generation by making children’s voices heard about issues such as climate change, education, mental health, and ending racism and discrimination. To celebrate World Children's Day, the world listens to and respects children’s ideas, demands, thoughts, and rights.

In celebration of World Children’s Day, Global Goals CCA planned the following: a charity snack sale, a whole-school quiz related to WCD, a blue clothes non-uniform day, and posting information on school social media. Our students raised approximately 8 million VND for the charity. They sold iced tea, popcorn, and popcorn balls, all of which were made by the students themselves. The menu of the sale was decided carefully to respect the needs of children; spicy, sour, or fizzy products were avoided. All the resources were bought by students, who took the lead in pricing and cooking. The school was filled with students dressed in blue, the colour of UNICEF, to remind us of children’s rights to care and health, and of the safety and vibrancy of children.

Throughout this small enterprise, the students were delighted to have an opportunity to raise money for charity and to be global citizens in the school. They learned various marketing support by teachers and communicating with each other.

By the Members of the Global Goals CCA