Meet our alumni: Hoang Thu An, Class of 2022 | BIS Hanoi - meet-our-alumni-hoang-thu-an-class-of-2022
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30 September, 2022

Meet our alumni: Hoang Thu An, Class of 2022

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Having said that, it is the demanding nature of the IB programme that has allowed me to hone my self-control, as well as my perseverance and independent learning skills.
Hoang Thu An
Class of 2022
Meet our alumni: Hoang Thu An, Class of 2022 On achieving her excellent perfect score in the IB examinations, Thu An secured a place at the University of Toronto, in the prestigious Rotman Commerce admission category.

Switching to an international school after spending years at a public school was the beginning of a new chapter for Thu An. The transitioning process was challenging at first, but that did not stop her from growing into an outstanding, well-rounded student.

From a shy young person to a confident leader who took on the challenge of overseeing both the Global Goals and Social Awareness departments, she ultimately became a role model for all BIS students. 

On achieving her excellent perfect score in the IB examinations, she secured a place at the University of Toronto, in the prestigious Rotman Commerce admission category. Thu An carries with her the ambition to influence businesses to adopt a more ethical approach, hence making a positive contribution to global society. 

To start with, please could you tell us a little bit about yourself. 

Hello, my name’s Thu An, and I’m an alumnus of the class of 2022! I was previously the Global Goals Ambassador and the Head of Social Awareness during my time at BIS Hanoi. Traveling, taking photos, and trying new foods are some of my interests. 

What was it like when you first joined BIS Hanoi? What are your favourite memories of BIS Hanoi? 

I can still remember how timid I was when I first started at BIS. This is due to the fact that I was previously a student at a Vietnamese public school in a much smaller city, and I found it extremely difficult to adjust to both a new living and learning environment. I have been able to build my confidence throughout my time at BIS and eventually become the proactive person that I am today thanks to everyone's support.

There are many BIS memories that stand out as my favorites. Greeting teachers in the hallways, studying with friends in the library during our study sessions, and finally meeting everyone face-to-face after months of online learning. 

The events I started and organized while serving as BIS Global Goals Ambassador were all very exciting because I had the chance to collaborate with so many wonderful people. Some of them included making organic rainbow soap for Pride Week, recycling cereal boxes into bookmarks for World Children's Day, and teaching Primary school students about the Sustainable Development Goals. 

The IB organisation claims IB students develop strong academic, social and emotional characteristics. Would you agree with this statement? (and why?) Can you share some of your experiences? 

Without a doubt, the IB is a challenging program for me. Students must make effective time management plans due to their heavy workload. There were times when I spent hours trying to figure out how to solve a problem with my internal assessment or why my code didn't work.

As a result, I've been able to later motivate myself to overcome emotional obstacles and achieve academic feats I never thought I would be able to. 

How did you feel when you received your perfect score?    

When I discovered I had received a perfect score, I was extremely moved. This is because I put a lot of effort and time into my work, especially my internal assessments, which I am very passionate about. As a result, receiving such a high grade gave me the impression that my efforts had been heard and recognized on a large scale, and that all the difficulties I had overcome had been worthwhile. 

In AY 2021-22, you were part of the Student Council as Head of the Social Awareness department. Could you share some of your experiences as a leader?  

Because the Social Awareness department is made up of the entire cohort of three sub-departments—Mental Health, Sustainability, and Current Affairs—managing all three at once was challenging. I had to relay communications between my own department and the Leadership Team while helping each sub-department carry out its initiatives. The virtual learning made it challenging to organize awareness events, so last year's focus was on educational content, whether in the form of Instagram posts, recorded presentations, or slides on the daily notice. I also made sure to schedule meetings and communicate frequently with the Heads, asking them to send me their editing suggestions and include me in any emails sent on the group's behalf. 

Now that you have graduated from BIS Hanoi, which university are you attending next year and why do you choose that university/major? 

I will start my undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, where I was admitted under the Rotman Commerce admissions category. Since becoming a part of BIS' international community, I've had the chance to talk to and learn from people from a variety of backgrounds and doing so has increased my appreciation for how fortunate I am to be able to pursue an international education. This inspired me to help people, and I believe that one way to do that is to get businesses to start behaving more morally, which is why I'm attracted to businesses with a social impact.

What advice do you have for your BIS fellow students as they continue their journey through BIS Hanoi, and get ready for the IB?   

The best advice I can give students is to "Be proactive!”. Make sure to ask your teachers any questions you have during class, at break or lunch, or even after school if you don't understand something. At first, asking questions might seem daunting, but once you get used to it, you'll notice a significant improvement in your knowledge of each topic and confidence in your abilities, as well as a marked increase in your social comfort. You have been provided with this amazing opportunity to study in an international learning environment, so be sure to make the most of your education by taking advantage of the resources and opportunities that are available to you 

Thank you Thu An!