Secondary School Updates (19 August 2022) | BIS Hanoi - secondary-school-updates
Nord Anglia
19 August, 2022

Secondary School Updates (19 August 2022)

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Secondary School Updates (19 August 2022) What a pleasure to welcome our Secondary students to campus this week.

Key Dates 

What a pleasure to welcome our Secondary students to campus this week.

On Wednesday students had a chance to connect with classmates and teachers and start to set goals for the year ahead. On Thursday, Years 7-11 were back in lessons while year 12 and 13 students undertook specific learning activities related to their IB studies. 

This week we also held our inaugural Commencement Assembly led by staff and student leaders. At Commencement Assembly I set my expectations for students and teachers this year, which comes down to the following: 

  • Work collaboratively to be curious, open-minded, creative, and willing to take risks and learn from mistakes. 
  • To place kindness and care at the heart of everything do, while respecting, serving, and challenging one another. 
  • Seize opportunities to take initiative, responsibility, and ownership of their own learning, exercising their voice and autonomy. 
  • Strive discover who they really are and their true purpose in life and see themselves as having no limits to what they achieve. 

Additionally, we welcomed new members to our community, including 17 new teachers and over 40 new students and their families. It is a pleasure to welcome you all to BIS Hanoi. I trust your experience so far has been positive. Please do contact us should you have any questions.  

Let me take this opportunity to invite you to the following Secondary school events: 

Parent Welcome Evenings: 

The purpose of these evenings is for parents to learn more about the Secondary School’s curriculum and learning philosophy, and to meet teachers, Heads of Department, and Secondary School Leaders. 

  • Years 7-9: Wednesday 24 August, 1630-1830, Auditorium, 3rd Floor Main Campus 
  • Years 10-13: Tuesday 30 August, 1630-1830, Auditorium and Theatre, 3rd Floor Main Campus 

Welcome Back Family Event: 

Open to our whole community, we invite you to come along to school on Friday 26 August to enjoy some fun activities, music, and food. The event starts at 15:15 and finishes at 17:30. 

More details regarding these events to follow.  

Chris Newman 

Head of Secondary

Key Dates
  • Wednesday 24 August: Parent Welcome Evening (Years 7, 8, 9)

  • Friday 26 August: Welcome back family event from 3:30 to 5:30 PM

  • Tuesday 30 August: Parent Welcome Evening (Years 10, 11, 12) 

  • Thursday 1 - Friday 2 September: Independence Day (Public holiday)