Principal's Weekly Update (08 October 2021) | BIS Hanoi - principal-weekly-update
Richard Vaughan
07 October, 2021

Principal's Weekly Update (08 October 2021)

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Principal's Weekly Update (08 October 2021) This week we have virtually welcomed a number of new families who took part in our virtual open days in readiness for future admissions.

Dear Parents,

Another full week of Virtual School for all our students. Thank you to all of you for the ongoing support you are giving your children in the background as they learn online day by day. This partnership is so important to us all. As you know, we continue to offer a range of Primary and Secondary parent workshops to help grow your knowledge and understanding of this supporting role.

This week we have virtually welcomed a number of new families who took part in our virtual open days in readiness for future admissions. This was a very successful experience for us all. Clearly, we look forward to greeting people in person in due course.

The campus continues to have a busy team of contractors working on various upgrades and developments. I look forward to sharing more details and photos with you of this in due course.

For now, I wish you all a restful weekend. Stay safe and healthy.

Kind regards,

Richard Vaughan 
