BIS Hanoi’s Acts of Remembrance - bis-hanois-acts-of-remembrance
Nord Anglia
13 November, 2020

BIS Hanoi’s Acts of Remembrance

2020 11 05  Poppies    DSC06170
BIS Hanoi’s Acts of Remembrance A fortnight of acts of remembrance closed today with a powerful online assembly at BIS Hanoi. Planned by history teachers, Victoria Black and Sophie Peters, and recorded and performed by students, the assembly was extraordinary in its depth and quality.

A fortnight of acts of remembrance closed today with a powerful online assembly at BIS Hanoi. Planned by history teachers, Victoria Black and Sophie Peters, and recorded and performed by students, the assembly was extraordinary in its depth and quality. 

Students and teachers throughout the school were able to reflect on the impact of armed conflict across the globe. Students watched a video drawing attention to the tragedy of child soldiers; heard from the Defence Attaché, Bea Walcott; listened to specially composed music sung by the BIS Hanoi Choir and remembered Vietnam’s recent history. The assembly culminated with all students standing for Mr Scott’s beautifully played, Last Post.

Last Saturday, BIS Hanoi students and teachers supported the Hanoi Remembrance Service at Cua Bac Church. The choir performed two songs. Year 11 student, Linh Dan, read Flanders Field to the congregation and Mr Scott had the honour of playing the Last Post for guests and embassy officials, who were in attendance. The service originated to mark the dead of World War One. It is held every year in Commonwealth countries and commemorates all who have lost their lives through military conflict.

In addition, to the above events, Year 12 CAS students have been selling poppies to raise funds for the British Legion.  Finally, the English department organized a war poetry competition.  The winning Year 8 students (pictured) wrote poignant verse that caused the reader to reflect deeply on the impact of war.

Tim Webb

Head of Secondary