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📢 Join us for our Open Day (26th March, 10 am) | Application Fee Waiver (*)
Dear Parents,
It has been another fantastic week at BIS Hanoi which came to a crescendo with a wonderful Moon Festival Assembly this morning. Students across Primary and Secondary performed brilliantly with songs and dances that told the stories of celebrations during Moon Festival. Special thanks to the Vietnamese teachers for their efforts and rehearsal in preparing for today’s assembly. Ms. Mi Hoang, Head Teaching Assistant, has written a wonderful article about Moon Festival, the traditions and celebrations that take place. Please click here to read more.
Parent Coffee Mornings
Although still observing the safety guidelines in place, Mr. Webb, Ms. Fitzpatrick and I were delighted to welcome small groups of parents into school this week for Coffee Mornings. It was a great opportunity for parents to reconnect and make new friends as well as sharing some of the exciting events we hope to run for parents through our Friends of BIS community this year. The next meeting is scheduled for the first week after the October half term break. If you would like to join our Friends of BIS Facebook group, to keep up to date with announcements and events, please click here and don’t forget to answer the two security questions.
Vietnamese language lessons for parents
Lessons for parents delivered by Ms. Huyen will begin next Friday 25th of September in P314. Please click here to register.
As always, parents need to complete the health declaration, wear a mask and will have temperatures checked on arrival at school. Thank you for your continued support with this.
Primary Parents’ Evening
Next week, we look forward to welcoming more parents into school, at staggered times, for Primary Parents’ Evening. This is a really important time for parents and class teachers to meet where you will learn how your child has settled into the new year, information about the recent Incas assessments (Y2-6) and targets that the students are working on this term. EAL staff will also be present in the meetings with class teachers. We do hope you can attend, if not, please contact the Primary Office and we can look at an alternative time.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Rebecca Carroll
Head of Primary
We have had an action-packed agenda of inter-house activities, Christmas performances from Foundation Stage and Year 1, and today we had our Principal’s Award Assembly for the whole school.
I hope you have all had a good week and are beginning to get into the festive spirit ahead of the holiday season.
Thank you to all families who joined us to be entertained with our Secondary theatre production of A Little Shop of Horrors this week.
From Sunday onwards, we have had our CIS/WASC visiting team here at school. This has been a great opportunity to share all the wonderful things that we are providing for our students across all sections and to gain further insight and ideas to help us improve even further.
British International School Hanoi
Hoa Lan Road, Vinhomes Riverside
Long Bien District
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