Promotion of CAS Across BIS Hanoi - promotion-of-cas-across-bis-hanoi

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Promotion of CAS Across BIS Hanoi - promotion-of-cas-across-bis-hanoi
Nord Anglia
02 March, 2018

Promotion of CAS across BIS Hanoi

Promotion of CAS across BIS Hanoi
Promotion of CAS across BIS Hanoi

A core element of the IB diploma program is CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service).  Studied throughout the diploma, students must complete a range of activities alongside their six academic subjects. It is not formally assessed, but students must reflect on their activities, and provide evidence of achievement measured against 7 learning outcomes.


The philosophy behind CAS is to encourage students to become balanced global citizens. It is a philosophy that is integral to our approach to education at BIS Hanoi. This week, has been typically busy. We are busy because our students from Year 7 to Year 13 strive to be academically focused, balanced, sporting,artistic and involved in their community. For example, on Wednesday morning we waved goodbye to the Under 13 FOBISIA team who journeyed to Phuket to compete in basketball, soccer, swimming and athletics. On Thursday morning our MUN senior team traveled across the city to UNIS for the first of three days of Model United Nations (MUN) debate. Later that day, we were treated to some exquisite music performed by our Year 11 and 13 students in our gala concert. Then,today, our Junior MUN team left for Cambodia in order to compete in an international event.

We never let our students forget the importance of academic study - next week, Year 10 and Year 12 will present for a 2nd set of Progress Check Tests. However, we try to vary the intensity of academic study in order to allow students to explore a range of interests. This approach is proving to be successful. Our current Year 13 IBDP students have improved their academic performance significantly, whilst succeeding in a range of activities. It has enabled them to build very strong university applications and they are receiving some excellent offers of places at top schools.

These good habits are learned by all students at BIS Hanoi. It is challenging for them but they are succeeding in this environment and we are very proud of their achievements.

Tim Webb, Head of Secondary

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