The Year 6 trip to The Museum of Fine Arts - the-year-6-trip-to-the-museum-of-fine-arts
Nord Anglia
10 September, 2015

The Year 6 trip to The Museum of Fine Arts

The Year 6 trip to The Museum of Fine Arts
The Year 6 trip to The Museum of Fine Arts

Out and about in Hanoi!

On Thursday 10th September, the Year 6 team was treated to a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts in Hanoi.  This served as the Entry Point for our topic called ‘They See the World like This’.  Equipped with workbooks, pencils and boundless enthusiasm, the children read their instructions and went on a Treasure Hunt through the maze of rooms searching for information to be used back in class.  For most, this was their first visit and everyone was amazed by the variety and beauty of the artwork on display.  Each room within the museum was filled with artefacts tracing the history of Vietnam from pre-historic times to the present.  We were all in awe of the Thousand Armed, Thousand Eyed statue who looked down on us with a benevolent gaze.  There was a huge variety of animals represented in many different forms – carved from wood and stone, painted on walls, fashioned from bronze. The paintings in the Art Gallery were stunning and depicted many historical scenes which illustrated major events from Vietnam’s past.  The style and detail of the artists’ work provided us all with inspiration for our own masterpieces!  It was a truly wonderful morning and an experience we all enjoyed.

Mrs. Philippa Rowlands (Year 6 Teacher)


