Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 October, 2018

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards'

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ - Schools celebrate year of growth with Be Ambitious Awards

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ Each year, at Nord Anglia Education’s Senior Leadership Team Conference, senior leaders and principals from across our organisation gather to discuss best practice and to share new developments in their schools. The conference is also when we host our “Be Ambitious Awards” to celebrate the different ways our 56 schools have achieved excellence during the past academic year.  

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ - Schools celebrate year of growth with Be Ambitious Awards

Each year, at Nord Anglia Education’s Senior Leadership Team Conference, senior leaders and principals from across our organisation gather to discuss best practice and to share new developments in their schools. The conference is also when we host our “Be Ambitious Awards” to celebrate the different ways our 56 schools have achieved excellence during the past academic year.

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ - Schools celebrate year of growth with Be Ambitious Awards In the 2017/2018 school year, our schools showed exceptional academic strength in all our offered curricula. While each of our schools have something to be proud of, Windermere Preparatory School was named the school with the “Top Scorecard” for the year, meaning its students achieved incredible academic results, the staff were fully engaged and the school itself continued to grow in amazing ways. Well done to all our educators at this Florida school for continuing to shine!

Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ - Schools celebrate year of growth with Be Ambitious Awards


Schools celebrate year of growth with ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ - Schools celebrate year of growth with Be Ambitious Awards In terms of academics, several schools were awarded ‘Be Ambitious Awards’ this year for their students’ strong results.

Winning “Best I/GCSE Results” was British International School Kuala Lumpur, who saw students achieve the highest per cent of A* to A grades out of all our schools. Similarly, the “Best A Level Results” award went to the British School of Guangzhou. Country Day School was awarded the “Best Advanced Placement Results” for achieving 70 per cent of results at a 4 or 5 in AP.

NAIS Pudong


The prestigious honour of “Best International Baccalaureate Results” was tied this year between British International School, Ho Chi Minh City and Nord Anglia International School Shanghai, Pudong with both schools achieving an average of 36.4 points on the IB. For the first time ever, our Swiss schools achieved a 100 per cent pass rate in their French Baccalauréat exams, with College du Leman being highly honoured.

NAIS Pudong Celebration

Students at NAIS Pudong embrace after their fantastic academic results are posted.

In terms of staff engagement, British Vietnamese International School Hanoi won a Be Ambitious Award for “Best Use of Nord Anglia University”. The school had the highest per cent of online engagement, with 76 per cent of their staff being involved in some sort of professional development online through NAU.

The award for “Best Use of Global Campus” went to Nord Anglia Chinese International School Shanghai who had a remarkable 16.5 per cent of students attending global expeditions in the last academic year.

Additional awards were given to NAIS Pudong for their extraordinary admissions procedures, and to Nord Anglia International School, Hong Kong for being the school with the highest per cent of growth in full-time equivalent students. The school’s Tai Tam and Sai Kung campuses enjoyed year over year growth of almost 59 per cent.


Nord Anglia International School, Hong Kong’s Sai Kung campus