105 students from 13 schools across the Nord Anglia Education family have gathered this week at one of the world’s best universities – MIT – to participate in the Global Campus STEAM experience at the Cambridge Science Festival.
105 students from 13 schools across the Nord Anglia Education family have gathered this week at one of the world’s best universities – MIT – to participate in the Global Campus STEAM experience at the Cambridge Science Festival.
105 students from 13 schools across the Nord Anglia Education family have gathered this week at one of the world’s best universities – MIT – to participate in the Global Campus STEAM experience at the Cambridge Science Festival.
105 students from 13 schools across the Nord Anglia Education family have gathered this week at one of the world’s best universities – MIT – to participate in the Global Campus STEAM experience at the Cambridge Science Festival .
Our students are participating in an exclusive programme of activities to help them develop their understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths, otherwise known as STEAM. Not only are our students learning about these subjects directly from MIT scientists, researchers and students, they will also showcase their own ingenuity by building a massive chain reaction machine – we hope the biggest that MIT has ever seen.
The inspiring programme will give our students a taste of MIT’s practical, hands-on approach to problem solving. During the week, our students will build and control underwater robots that collect samples of water quality in the Charles River, design and program their own computer games, test and make genetically modified foods, and work with electromagnets to power small toys. They will also visit MIT and Harvard to get a taste of student life at these prestigious universities.
Search #NAEMIT to see all the activities live or follow our student journalists, Olivia Johnson and Caroline Johnson, via Instagram and Twitter!
Twitter: @NAEjournalist
Instagram: @NAEStudentJournalist
Tension is mounting as students compete to build the highest tower. Who will win?
These Nord Anglia students are thinking of a way to treat cancer at the Cambridge Science Festival at MIT.
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