The dance curriculum enhanced by Juilliard focuses on works examining dance from various cultures, history, expressions of human emotion, and literature.

An Enhanced Curriculum

Through the Juilliard–Nord Anglia Performing Arts Program, students learn the history and movement behind influential dance pieces, while improving their own physical coordination and self-expression.

“The impact that the Juilliard–Nord Anglia Program has had so far on my students is fantastic. They opened their eyes and saw how fun dance can be and how you can express yourself through it.”
– Laura Towell, Physical Education, Sports Science, and Dance Specialist at British School of Chicago, South Loop



Dancer’s Toolbox

The Dancer’s Toolbox is a unique resource available only through Juilliard Creative Classroom. Sharing the expertise of Juilliard Dance, the Dancer’s Toolbox is a collection of original resources specifically designed for teaching dance and to better understand a dancer’s needs. The Dancer’s Toolbox focuses on how to move with mindfulness, creativity, and physical safety, along with strategies to enjoy and better understand movement practices. Teachers have access to resources designed to guide students on various aspects of physical conditioning, posture, and alignment; coordination and articulation; balance; and nutrition.


The Core Works

The works have been carefully chosen based on their iconic quality and teachable moments and to give breadth to your child's musical learning. Your child will study these works throughout their school career to give them deep engagement with and appreciation of each piece.

Interactive activities encourage students to engage with the works and key concepts while developing connections between the pieces as well as other subjects. Your child will learn the history and movement behind influential pieces, while improving their own physical coordination and self-expression skills.

Core works include:



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