August 30, 2024

How to help your students develop good study habits

How to help your students develop good study habits - How to help your students develop good study habits
Explore our guide for students and parents on the best ways to study as the school year progresses

As August comes to a close and September begins, it's the perfect time to ensure students have established good study habits that will set the tone for academic success. Whether you're a student looking to excel or a parent aiming to support your child's learning journey, implementing a solid strategy is key to success. 

Keep reading to explore the best ways to develop effective study habits and create a supportive environment at home.

#1: Set clear goals and prioritize tasks

The first step to effective studying is setting clear academic goals. Whether it’s mastering a subject or improving grades, knowing what you want to achieve helps create a roadmap. Break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and prioritize them accordingly.

For Parents: Encourage your child to set realistic goals and discuss them together. Help them break down assignments into smaller steps and guide them in prioritizing tasks to develop time management skills and build a sense of accomplishment as they complete each task.

#2: Create a consistent study schedule

Consistency is crucial for developing good study habits. Establishing a regular study schedule helps students get into a routine and reduces the stress of last-minute cramming. Designate specific times for studying each day, and stick to them as closely as possible.

For Parents: Work with your child to create a study schedule that balances schoolwork with extracurricular activities and relaxation. A consistent routine helps build discipline, and having a set study time each day can reduce procrastination and stress related to planning their day.

#3: Choose the right study environment

A productive study environment is free from distractions and conducive to focus. Find a quiet place with minimal interruptions, and make sure it’s equipped with all the necessary materials—books, notebooks, pens, laptop, highlighters.

For Parents: Ensure your child has a designated study space at home that is quiet, comfortable, well-lit, and free from distractions like TV, loud noises, and especially their phones. 

#4: Use active study techniques

Old school strategies like passive reading or re-writing notes are likely not the most effective way to study. Instead, engage in active study techniques such as summarizing information, teaching the material to someone else, or using flashcards. Active engagement with the material helps reinforce learning and improves retention.

For Parents: Encourage your child to use active study methods. You can help by asking them to explain what they’ve learned, quizzing them with flashcards, or engaging in discussions about the subject matter. This interaction makes studying more dynamic and reinforces their understanding.

#5: Take regular breaks

While it’s important to stay focused, long study sessions without breaks can lead to burnout. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves studying for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, is a great way to maintain concentration while allowing the brain to rest.

For Parents: Remind your child to take regular breaks during study sessions. Encourage them to stretch, take a short walk, or grab a healthy snack during their breaks to refresh their mind and keep them energized for the next round of studying.

#6: Stay organized

Keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and study materials is crucial for effective studying by reducing stress and ensuring no assignments are missed. Use planners, calendars, or apps to organize tasks and stay on top of schoolwork. 

For Parents: Help your child develop organizational skills by teaching them how to use physical paper planners or digital tools effectively. Regularly check in on their progress and assist them in managing their workload. A well-organized student is more likely to stay on top of their studies and feel confident in their abilities.

#7: Encourage a growth mindset

A growth mindset—the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort—can greatly impact a student’s approach to studying. Encourage perseverance, celebrate progress, and view challenges as opportunities to learn rather than setbacks.

For Parents: Foster a growth mindset in your child by praising their effort and hard work rather than just their grades. Encourage them to embrace challenges and remind them that making mistakes is part of the learning process.

#8: Promote healthy habits

Good study habits go hand-in-hand with overall well-being. Make sure to prioritize sleep, nutrition, and physical activity because they are crucial components for cognitive function and emotional stability. 

For Parents: Support your child’s health by ensuring they get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and engage in physical activities. A balanced lifestyle enhances their ability to focus, reduces stress, and improves their overall academic performance.

To conclude

Developing good study habits is an ongoing process that requires discipline, consistency, and support. Students, remember that good study habits are an investment in your future success. And parents, your encouragement and guidance are invaluable in helping your child reach their academic goals.

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At Windermere Preparatory School, we take pride in being Central Florida's leading international school for students from Pre-K 3 through 12th grade. Our commitment to unity, truth, and integrity guides everything we do. We offer our students a wide range of opportunities to grow, reflect, and apply their learning to real-world situations, ensuring they are prepared for success both in and out of the classroom.

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