09 June, 2023

Encouraging integrity and care: Pride week at BIS Hanoi

Encouraging integrity and care Pride week at BIS Hanoi - Encouraging integrity and care Pride week at BIS Hanoi
At BIS Hanoi, we care for others!

During the course of this week, we raised awareness about some of the challenges faced by the LGTBQ+ community as part of the global pride month movement, with the goal of encouraging inclusion, compassion, and respect. As a result, by acknowledging the discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ people, we hope to have contributed to the creation of a kinder world. 

On Friday our students and faculty were given the option to come to school in full colour. 

To celebrate Pride Week at BIS Hanoi, we invited our community partner - Institute for Social, Economic and Environmental Research (iSEE) to join us for the Pride Assembly at school. We had a wonderful session with genuine sharing from our guest speakers about their personal experiences from the hard time of being discriminated to the best moments when they got to live to their true self.