Homeroom Mentoring Program
All students are assigned to a homeroom teacher, who also serves as a mentor. This relationship is for the students and for the parents. Homeroom teachers are the go-to contact on campus for each student and the home base or point person for the family. In addition to distributing important materials via the Windermere Preparatory School communication folder, homeroom teachers also update students with announcements and dates for their calendars. Finally, homeroom teachers meet with their students regularly, serving as mentors and coaches, guiding students through their middle school years.
Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences
We welcome parent involvement as an important part of the trio of student, parent, and faculty that leads to positive learning. We schedule three parent conferences for all families: one in the fall as a pre-assessment and goal-setting meeting; the second at the start of the second semester to review the e-portfolio; and the final in the spring to reflect on progress, summer assignments, and next year’s plans.
Measurement of Student Growth
In addition to ongoing assessments in the class via quizzes, tests, and daily assignments, student growth is measured via:
- Projects: Hands-on projects allow students to apply their learning, rather than merely memorize it. Middle School highlights this application, as students use multiple kinds of intelligence and creative thinking to demonstrate their learning. Often, these projects are cross-curricular — making the learning even more meaningful to the students.
- Assessments: Semester and Final evaluations are administered to assess individual student progress. These assessments offer students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning in a blend of traditional and creative methods. Emphasis is placed on student reflection, knowledge application, and ownership of learning.
- E-Portfolios: Today’s world requires students to showcase their learning in means other than test results. Therefore, all Middle School students maintain e-portfolios to showcase their learning, progress, and development. These portfolios offer a perfect venue for students to compile their learning in an innovative and individualized manner. Due to their dynamic nature, the portfolios grow with their students, showing evidence of growth, demonstrating assessment, and requiring reflection.
- Rites of Passage: Each year culminates with a final assessment related to the theme. 6th and 7th graders complete this assessment as practice for their 8th grade presentation, entitled “Turning a Page,” when they present their learning to a faculty panel. These rites of passage allow students to demonstrate their learning through alternative assessments, revealing their progress in a creative and personal manner.