10 June, 2024

How Northbridge is a champion for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Phnom Penh

How Northbridge is a champion for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Phnom Penh - How Northbridge is a champion for Equality Diversity Inclusion and Belonging in Phnom Penh
How Northbridge is a champion for Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Phnom Penh

By Beauty Boois
School Counsellor & EDIB Champion

When we champion inclusion and belonging at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we positively impact student wellbeing, and our entire school here in Phnom Penh becomes a safe space for students in all their diversities. 

From our inclusive policies to our International Day celebrations, to our Neurodiversity centered professional development for staff to flying Pride and all represented nationalities flags high to Individualised Education Plans to student clubs – it is clear to see that Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging matters at Northbridge.


Our EDIB (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging) approach is evident in both policy and practice, and this is something staff and students take pride in. Here is what some of our students and staff have to say about EDIB at Northbridge.


On Equality

We reduce inequalities when we champion, inclusion and belonging in our school and our community. When we celebrate our community and all our diversity, we create safe spaces for all – here at Northbridge, we strive to align with the NAE (Nord Anglia Education) commitment to ‘stand against inequality and discrimination” in both policy and practice. 


On Diversity and Inclusion

“One of my biggest points of support was Mr. Alan (dance teacher), since he was the first person who supported my new skill – dancing! I learned so much about dancing and I increased my skills even more. Mr. Adrian (learning support teacher) helped me to get a diagnosis and  and his classroom feels safe - it felt like a small family. Ms. Erica (school counselor) helped me to calm down and manage my stress to prepare for my Neurodiversity presentation and back then when I was struggling with my own personal identity Ms. Beauty (school counselor) helped me and encouraged me.” - Lido (Grade 9)


“Mr. Adrian helped me understand subjects that I did not understand, he accepted me for who I am, and he saw my strengths. Ms. Bonnie always gave me extra time to finish my work and Mr. Alan would let us dance to whatever type of music we wanted, he would encourage us and support us.  Ms. Angelica (Grade Level Leader) would support me in I&S and talk to Mr. Adrian to find out how she can help me and understand me in class.” - Naryth (Grade 9)


On Belonging

“To be honest, I came into the school with a mindset. A mindset that no matter what happens, I am included. I am well. With that in my arsenal, I created an inclusive environment at school, and encouraged others to do the same. My students felt safe being in that environment. Our school has that space where students are happy to be themselves. I know that because I was part of that space. Now I can see that many people are holding that space together. We built that space in our school, with intentionality.” - Adrian Pasos (Learning Support Teacher)


“NISC's efforts into making their community more inclusive towards their students allows me to feel like my personal experiences are being understood and validated by others. APTBY (A Place to be Yourself - student led club) has played an even bigger role in providing me a safe space to connect with others who share the same values as I do and supports me in my journey to discovering my identity. With that, I hope our community can further grow into that of one where everyone feels empowered to be their authentic selves!” - Tina (A Place to Be Yourself, student led club member)


Drawing on the shared sentiments of our staff and students, as the EDIB Champion at Northbridge International School Cambodia I look forward to the future with the hope in my heart that NISC will continue to expand in all its EDIB efforts and initiatives.