16 February, 2024

The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps

The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps - The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps
The important lessons students learn outside the classroom on Northbridge Action Learning Camps

By Tim Bell
Grade 4 and 5 Leader

At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we recognise that lessons learned outside of the classroom are just as vital as the learning that takes place inside, with field trips to destinations around Phnom Penh held throughout the year, as well as special annual Action Learning Camps, known as ALCs.

There are numerous benefits that come with students participating in ALCs, not only do they reinforce some of the learning that has taken place in the classroom, but the unique setting allows for students to develop their values, character and resilience. 


Take for instance Grade 4 and Grade 5, who recently went to an overnight camp at Kirirom. For many of the students, the ALC represented significant milestones for them. These included: 


  • First night away from mum and dad  
  • First time sleeping in a tent
  • First time climbing a wall
  • First time walking more than 2km
  • First time roasting marshmallows over an open fire
  • First time perhaps packing up their own bag

All these milestones add to a stronger resilience, a more open mind, independence, being more of a risk taker and having a more balanced lifestyle. Can you imagine, for almost 36 hours (about 1 and a half days), and no one looked at a screen or a device. 


The ALCs also represent an opportunity for our students to get involved with local initiatives and take action. Our Grade 4 and Grade 5 students went to the Coconut School based in Kirirom to learn and understand the important work that they do there, and witness first-hand how even small actions can lead to some wonderful and important outcomes. 


Lastly, along with developing our characters, students got the opportunity to bond with their peers. A unique shared experience, such as going on an ALC together, cements social bonds and friendships, creates new ones and makes memories that last a lifetime.