Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments - Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments
Craig Ziegler
14 June, 2022

Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments

Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments - Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments
Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments
Thank you, Northbridge International School Cambodia, your energy for our production of The Greatest Show was truly electric! Between your cheers, the beats laid down by our live pit band, and our outstanding performers, our circus was rocking! We loved the enthusiasm you showed for our artists.

The performers worked hard for this. Everything you saw was a product of their creativity, and their drive! All those snack recesses, after school rehearsals, and extra homework showed up in the results. To our rabid audiences, the reception you showed for each of our performers left many of us speechless, and some of us in tears. We hope this was a moment that you will never forget.

What I love about theatrical productions is the consistent wave of people who step up, and add an unexpected contribution to make our show better. This includes an army of moms, who were always at the ready, whether providing great snacks, painting sets, tightening up choreography, or pitching in backstage.

You truly are the heart that drove this show.

And how about those kids? I was absolutely blown away by their performance. The soloists, wow! The poignant monologues... unreal!  Each and every one of them was captivating in their own way. Our performance exceeded even our own high expectations. But, we expected no less. So, now what’s next? We will find out soon enough.

To our dear NISC community, thank you for your unwavering support, you are awesome!


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