How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge - How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge
Angela Botero
29 April, 2022

How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge

How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge - How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge
How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge
A question that always stands out when we start any educational process at Northbridge International School Cambodia; is how we can determine if we are advancing positively about the objectives we have set for ourselves as educators.
How do we know if we are on the right path? At this moment, a quote from the famous German writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe comes to mind.


It is not enough to know; you also have to apply. It is not enough to want. You also have to act".
It is a wise sentence summarised as actions speaking louder than words. And this is when we must think that, to assess the growth of our students in the development of thinking, research, social, communication or self-management skills, we need to verify that knowledge is meaningful and pertinent daily.
The best scenario to put what we have learned into practice in everyday life. We show our respect for the planet and nature when we avoid using toxic products and aerosols. Recycling or reusing products at school or home are decisive actions that reveal awareness and commitment to our environment and other human beings.
We can also measure the results by valuing the treatment we give to others in the quality of our response when a test of solidarity or tolerance knocks on our door.
Self-management implies understanding and getting to know ourselves to address our actions towards developing practical social and communication skills. Creating healthy habits of coexistence, knowing our limitations and strengths as human beings, will allow us to live a balanced, coherent life between theory and practice. 
A life in which our actions speak without the need for words.