04 March, 2022

Northbridge Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps a great experience

Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps - Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps

The Primary Years Programme as an approach to curriculum is designed to maximise students’ experiences in every aspect and last week the Grade 4 and 5 students were fortunate enough to be involved in some non-classroom-based engagements through their Action Learning Camps (ALCs).

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Experiences like the Action Learning Camps are an excellent example of the PYP in action; developing a wide range of fine and gross motor skills, collaboration, team-building and critical thinking skills, independence, resilience and communication skills
Jill Shadbolt
Grade 4 & 5 Team Leader 

In previous years this has been a residential visit, but due to the current circumstances this year’s camps were based in Phnom Penh and on the school campus. But this certainly didn’t stop us from having a great time. 

The different activities were designed to scaffold team-building, collaboration and resilience as well as showcase positive action in the region. The benefits of being outdoors and engaging with nature are well documented and one of our visits was to the Wildlife Alliance Sanctuary in Phnom Tamao. 

This is a charitable organisation who rescue animals that have been trafficked or mistreated. The students got to see their work first-hand when they met the centre’s mascot, Lucky the Elephant. Lucky was rescued as a baby and has lived in safety at the sanctuary ever since. The students met her close up and fed her a mid-morning snack. They were also introduced to a tiger who was rescued as a cub and now enjoys a quiet life racing students! The centre and their work is a great example of positive action.  

Team-building skills were also high on the agenda of the Action Learning Camps with students enjoying team bowling, team relays and games in sports and an incredibly fun raft building challenge in the pool. 

Creativity was addressed through a wonderful pottery session when we invited the Khmer Ceramics company to come in and provide a hands-on pottery wheel experience. Students learned how to ‘throw’ a pot and create their own pieces which are being fired and glazed as a permanent reminder of their time in the Action Learning Camp.  

Finally we extended the school day and stayed for a BBQ around our own version of a campfire and shared stories, songs and music before heading home for a well-earned rest over the long weekend break.  

Experiences like the Action learning Camps are an excellent example of the PYP in action; developing a wide range of fine and gross motor skills, collaboration, team-building and critical thinking skills, independence, resilience and communication skills. 

The students needed to plan and organise, develop and design, try, reflect and try again which are the perfect platform builders for real life. Add to that the fun and memories that the students will take with them as they move through school and it all adds up to a recipe for success.

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