Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 May, 2021

Grade 5 PYP Exhibition showcases how Northbridge students embrace the IB learner profile attributes

Grade 5 PYP Exhibition showcases how Northbridge students embrace the IB learner profile attributes - grade-5-pyp-exhibition-showcases-how-northbridge-students-embrace-the-ib-learner-profile-attributes
Grade 5 PYP Exhibition showcases how Northbridge students embrace the IB learner profile attributes On Tuesday at 4pm our Grade 5 PYP Exhibition links went live. The PYP Exhibition is the culminating project of the PYP programme and an opportunity for the students to apply all they have learnt through their time at Northbridge International School Cambodia in an area they are passionate about.

On Tuesday at 4pm our Grade 5 PYP Exhibition links went live. The PYP Exhibition is the culminating project of the PYP programme and an opportunity for the students to apply all they have learnt through their time at Northbridge International School Cambodia in an area they are passionate about.


We are very proud of our Grade 5 students. They embodied the ten IB learner profile attributes throughout the PYP Exhibition process and you will see the evidence of this in their padlets.

As our Grade 5 students prepare to leave NISC primary and enter the MYP programme, we know that they are:

  • Inquirers and researchers who are more knowledgable about an issue or problem the world is facing. 
  • Thinkers who can analyse and evaluate information from a range of sources and make decisions. 
  • Principled people who are interested in global issues and the rights of people around the world. People who think about what they can do to make the world a better place.
  • Communicators who share their learning and take action. They coded games on Scratch, created short movies, choreographed dances, wrote songs, shared important messages through digital design applications and virtual meets with family, friends, neighbours and other NISC students. 
  • Open-minded people who look at global issues from multiple perspectives and consider their place in the world.
  • Caring activists who look for ways they can make a positive difference. The issues range from climate change to gender equality, from wildlife protection to envisioning a future of artificial intelligence.
  • Risk-takers who are resourceful and resilient and who managed to stay focused and complete the Exhibition while learning from home.
  • Balanced individuals who can keep up with their learning and manage their personal well-being.
  • Reflective learners who listen to feedback, make changes, seek help from others and who better understand themselves as learners now they have completed the PYP Exhibition.

Congratulations, Grade 5. Onwards and upwards to the next adventure. We believe in all of you.


Please visit the Northbridge Virtual Exhibition through this padlet. The password to access all padlets is PYPX.