Northbridge Primary and Secondary Student Council groups lead the way at Spirit Week - northbridge-primary-and-secondary-student-council-groups-lead-the-way-at-spirit-week
Miriam Foster
19 February, 2021

Northbridge Primary and Secondary Student Council groups lead the way at Spirit Week

Northbridge Primary and Secondary Student Council groups lead the way at Spirit Week - northbridge-primary-and-secondary-student-council-groups-lead-the-way-at-spirit-week
Northbridge Primary and Secondary Student Council groups lead the way at Spirit Week The second Spirit Week of the year has come around quickly at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and the Secondary Student Councils (STUCO) led the way in deciding which dress up days to hold.

The second Spirit Week of the year has come around quickly at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and the Secondary Student Councils (STUCO) led the way in deciding which dress up days to hold.

For most schools, Spirit Week is homecoming week or the week that precedes the big homecoming game of the year.

It is a special week where staff and students alike, demonstrate their sense of identity and community spirit by dressing up in line with the days' themes to manifest a happy team spirit. Its roots trace back to 1952, in Palo Alto, CA. There, at nearby Palo Alto High School, it was known as "Friendship Week".

Here at NISC, throughout the year, every student in Primary had the opportunity, to share their ideas with their class STUCO representative and many suggestions for dress up days were given. Favourites included Back in Time Day and Change the Schedule Day.

At Secondary STUCO meetings, it was decided that this upcoming Spirt Week would be themed as follows:

  • Pyjama Day
  • Monochromatic Day
  • Back in Time Day
  • Meme/character Day
  • NAGAs Day

So the secondary STUCO leaders, Oh Young and Molyka led a Primary STUCO meeting explaining what had been agreed in the Secondary school.

Did the Primary students simply agree? No! They added their suggestions and argued for what they knew their peers wanted, persuading the Secondary students to consider their ideas.

Finally, Ms Yewon and Mr Andy shared their thoughts on combining Spirit Week with Mother Tongue Day and STEAM Day. The students were very open-minded and accepting of this.

Hence, this week the entire school has participated in Spirit Week 2021; Pyjamas/Teddy Day, Meme/Character/Gaming Day, NAGAs Day, Mother Tongue Day and Space Day.

STUCO Meeting 2

There have been some very practical outfits, where students wore their casual sportswear to represent the theme, as well as some stunning mother tongue traditional outfits and some very creative hand made designs. The STUCO representatives would like to give an enormous thank you to everyone who participated this week.

Currently, the STUCO team are designing a t-shirt so they’ll be more recognizable around school, a notice board to keep everyone informed about their endeavors, and they are working on how best to use the space outside the classrooms. Make sure you share your suggestions with your class STUCO rep.