How technology is a tool to assist and enhance what we can accomplish as teachers at Northbridge - how-technology-is-a-tool-to-assist-and-enhance-what-we-can-accomplish-as-teachers-at-northbridge
Stu Reddrop
27 January, 2021

How technology is a tool to assist and enhance what we can accomplish as teachers at Northbridge

How technology is a tool to assist and enhance what we can accomplish as teachers at Northbridge - how-technology-is-a-tool-to-assist-and-enhance-what-we-can-accomplish-as-teachers-at-northbridge
How technology is a tool to assist and enhance what we can accomplish as teachers at Northbridge There is no question that the digital age has transformed education at schools such as Northbridge International School Cambodia. In fact, there are very few industries that are as fast moving as the technology industry.

There is no question that the digital age has transformed education at schools such as Northbridge International School Cambodia. In fact, there are very few industries that are as fast moving as the technology industry.

During my teaching career, educational technology has changed quickly and it is sometimes difficult to keep up! The advantages of using technology in education are vast and it has been enormously beneficial during our recent periods of online learning. But technology is not just helpful outside the classroom but useful inside the classroom as well.

At Northbridge, technology is not used as a replacement for classroom practice but as a tool to assist and enhance what we can accomplish as teachers and learners. The key to using technology successfully is integrating it seamlessly into the classroom. From there, we can equip the students with an array of skills that they can use to display their understanding of concepts in new and creative ways.

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The advantages to integrating technology are obvious to see and enable students to learn meaningful and essential skills for the future. Immediate access to information afforded by the internet allows students to research their own questions and become more independent as learners.

Learners are able to showcase their ideas and understanding by making movies, animations and creating websites among a number of other mediums. Students can find technological solutions to problems and collaborate with their peers easily. Educational technology such as games can also increase engagement and interest among students when used intelligently by teachers. 

At Northbridge, our students are growing up in a fast moving, technological age. Many of the applications and software that we currently use may well have been superseded by the time our students are ready to start their careers. However, by teaching them to adapt and problem solve using technology, we can equip them with purposeful skills for the future.