Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 September, 2020

Why a parent’s relationship with their child’s teachers is the foundation of the Northbridge home-school partnership

Why a parent’s relationship with their child’s teachers is the foundation of the Northbridge home-school partnership - whyaparentsrelationshipwiththeirchildsteachersisthefoundationofthenorthbridgehomeschoolpartnership
Why a parent’s relationship with their child’s teachers is the foundation of the Northbridge home-school partnership This week in Primary our homeroom teachers have been connecting with the parents of children in their classes. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we believe this meeting to be one of the most important in the year. A relationship of trust and clear communication between home and school is an important factor in any child’s success, and a parent’s relationship with their child’s homeroom teachers is the foundation of the home-school partnership. 

This week in Primary our homeroom teachers have been connecting with the parents of children in their classes. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we believe this meeting to be one of the most important in the year. A relationship of trust and clear communication between home and school is an important factor in any child’s success, and a parent’s relationship with their child’s homeroom teachers is the foundation of the home-school partnership. 

Partnership is more than showing an interest in your child’s schooling. It is communicating with your child’s teacher about your child and also learning about your child from the teacher. In turn, the teacher learns about your child from you.

When parents and teachers both celebrate the successes of the child and can also have clear and honest communication about challenges the child may be facing at home or in school, the child is the winner.

A parents first point of contact with any questions or concerns about their child or the school should be the homeroom teacher or, if appropriate, the specialist teacher concerned. 

The Hopes and Dreams conferences are an opportunity to start building open communication. Parents have the chance to share their understanding of their child with the teacher. 

  • What do you most want your child to learn in school this year?

  • What’s your greatest hope for your child in school this year?

  • What do you feel will be most important for your child in school this year?

  • In what ways would you like to see your child grow socially?

  • In what ways would you like to see your child grow developmentally?

  • What would you like me to know about your child’s developmental successes and challenges?

  • What would you like me to know about your child’s personality and social skills?

  • What else would you like to let me know about your child or your family that will help me work well with you all this year?

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If you missed your Hopes and Dreams conference with your child’s teacher, please contact the teacher directly through Seesaw to arrange another time or call the school office +855 (0)23 900 740 

Other ways to get more involved in the school are through the Parent Council, which meets monthly on a Tuesday morning, and by coming to our regular Parent Coffee mornings on a Friday. 

We hope to see you at the first Parent coffee morning of the year, next Friday the 11th of September at 8:00 am in the Primary cafeteria.   

More reading:

Home-School partnership Early Learning page - Northbridge site