How our Northbridge students are exploring visual arts in a virtual learning environment - how-our-northbridge-students-are-exploring-visual-arts-in-a-virtual-learning-environment
Liv Bazley
08 May, 2020

How our Northbridge students are exploring visual arts in a virtual learning environment

How our Northbridge students are exploring visual arts in a virtual learning environment - how-our-northbridge-students-are-exploring-visual-arts-in-a-virtual-learning-environment
How our Northbridge students are exploring visual arts in a virtual learning environment Although meeting face to face on our Northbridge International School Cambodia campus is a far more ideal learning environment, our students have met current challenges with a positive attitude and adapted well to a virtual learning environment. They have utilised resources at home and their surrounding environment to explore visual arts.

Although meeting face to face on our Northbridge International School Cambodia campus is a far more ideal learning environment, our students have met current challenges with a positive attitude and adapted well to a virtual learning environment. They have utilised resources at home and their surrounding environment to explore visual arts.

An ideal learning environment for exploring visual arts: 

  • Provides a place where students can make mistakes as part of the creative learning process.

  • Allows opportunities to build critical and creative thinking skills exploring a range of possibilities.

  • Explores a range of mediums and art forms to express ideas and feelings in creative ways.

  • Builds confidence by sharing ideas and gaining inspiration from each other.

Our visual arts programme is clearly not contained within the walls of our campus as our students have demonstrated through their creativity over the last few weeks. Here is a snapshot of some of the work our Grade 1,2 and 3 students have been doing:


G1 students have explored a range of techniques using recycled materials. Some of these techniques have included; flanging, fringing, cutting square, round and pointed edges, curling, zig-zag folds and weaving. Many students have discovered new techniques through exploration or finding inspiration from each other.

G2 have found a range of patterns in their environment. They are honing their photographic and observational drawing skills and developing their critical and creative thinking skills when recreating a selected pattern using any resources available to them.


Grade 3 students have been exploring how nature inspires artistic development. They have investigated a range of techniques when using natural materials and created sculptures inspired by environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy.