Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 April, 2020

How to stay active active during our Virtual School Experience at Northbridge International School

How to stay active active during our Virtual School Experience at Northbridge International School - how-to-stay-active-active-during-our-virtual-school-experience-at-northbridge-international-school
How to stay active active during our Virtual School Experience at Northbridge International School Over the last several weeks of remote learning, the PE department at Northbridge International School Cambodia has been thinking of different ways that they can encourage and support students to remain healthy and active at home. This has led to some creative challenges being set - such as the E-Olympics challenge for the Grade 5 students.

Over the last several weeks of remote learning, the PE department at Northbridge International School Cambodia has been thinking of different ways that they can encourage and support students to remain healthy and active at home. This has led to some creative challenges being set - such as the E-Olympics challenge for the Grade 5 students.


The Grade 5 students have been challenged with completing various workouts. We have been so impressed with how so many of our students have been risk-takers and posted their work for us to enjoy.

In the beginning, students were asked to complete the alphabet challenge, where they spelled various words using a workout alphabet. Every day the words changed as some students spelt their names, house teams, or even their favourite sports activity. 

During the Khmer New Year holiday, we encouraged students to stay active and many students, although away from school, explained how they stayed active over the holiday playing sports at their houses with siblings and family. Some even continued the workouts they learned before the break, which shows great investment in being healthy. 

After the break, we started an E-Olympics challenge with our Grade 5 students. We are now wrapping up our second week of the E-Olympics which is a competition between each of the Grade 5 classes.

Every day a new physical challenge is posted, and depending on how many times or how long students can do the exercise for, they receive either a gold, silver or bronze point. The students are working on earning as many points for their class as possible to win for the week.

Last week's winners were Grade 5 yellow with 225 points!  As we head towards the weekend we will see which Grade 5 class is able to take the title this week and gain the advantage as they head into next week's challenges. 

A big thank you to all the students for their hard work and we look forward to seeing more of your posts in the future!

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