Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 March, 2020

For Northbridge Grade 5 students, the PYP Exhibition is a world of opportunity - and passion

For Northbridge Grade 5 students, the PYP Exhibition is a world of opportunity - and passion - for-northbridge-grade-5-students-the-pyp-exhibition-is-a-world-of-opportunity--and-passion
For Northbridge Grade 5 students, the PYP Exhibition is a world of opportunity - and passion The Grade 5 PYP Exhibition was launched this week at Northbridge International School Cambodia. The launch looks a little different to how we have worked in previous years as students have not been on campus. Our Grade 5 students will still need to work collaboratively, research and problem-solve, but this time it may all take place in an online environment.

The Grade 5 PYP Exhibition was launched this week at Northbridge International School Cambodia. The launch looks a little different to how we have worked in previous years as students have not been on campus. Our Grade 5 students will still need to work collaboratively, research and problem-solve, but this time it may all take place in an online environment. 


The Grade 5 PYP Exhibition provides:

An opportunity to explore something you are passionate about and choose what you want to learn.

An opportunity to decide how you will find the information you need. 

An opportunity to work collaboratively with your classmates.

An opportunity to reach out to your local and global community.

An opportunity to invite others into a conversation using aspects of STEAM.

An opportunity to take action.


Choosing a topic or interest is really important. Grade 5 students should make sure they inquire into something they are passionate about so they can stay engaged and motivated through the Exhibition process. 

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What is the role of parents in the Exhibition?

  • Support and encourage your child - especially by asking questions. 

  • What is your topic? What have you learned? Why is this important? What will you do about it? What do you need to get done today? (Must do. Should do. Could do.)

  • Understand the Exhibition

  • Help your child to access resources. Arrange online calls with friends and family who are knowledgeable

  • Support teachers by providing expert knowledge or access to it. Parents can be mentors or guest speakers

  • Reflect and give feedback on the exhibition process

  • Celebrate with your child throughout the process and share in the learning of all students during the PYPX staging 

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What should parents avoid?

  • Selecting the topic and planning the inquiry for their child

  • Doing the research for their child

  • Doing the work for their child

  • Comparing their child to others

  • Focusing on the product

  • Judging themselves on the child’s presentations


The Exhibition journey is as much about the process as the product. With our school currently being closed to students, this year’s PYP Exhibition offers extra challenges, but also some wonderful opportunities for our community. 

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Most of the Exhibition may need to be completed through remote learning, however, we are hopeful the school will reopen after Khmer New Year. 

Teachers and mentors may not be able to meet face to face with our Grade 5 students.

Group work and collaboration may mostly be done online.

Feelings of loneliness and isolation may be heightened while children are away from school and friends. 



Children will need to demonstrate strong self-management skills 

Children will need to direct their own learning, research and decision making while at home.

Learning new online skills and problem solving so we can share our process and product even if this needs to take place as an online Exhibition.

Grade 5 students will need the support of their parents, and for people at home to be engaged in their learning.

We have the opportunity to host a zero-waste Exhibition.


The PYP Exhibition staging will be on the 27th & 28th May. We hope to see many members of our Northbridge community there to share in the celebration of learning with our Grade 5s - whether the Exhibition staging is in the HUB, or online. Everyone is welcome!