Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 December, 2019

Why it is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is at Northbridge International School

Why it is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is at Northbridge International School - whyitistrulyadmirabletoseehowengagedourparentcommunityisatnorthbridgeinternationalschool
Why it is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is at Northbridge International School Today has been a busy day for parents at Northbridge International School Cambodia. We have had our Student-Led Portfolio Conference, a Parent Coffee Morning, and a parent- run Christmas Fair. It is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is!

Today has been a busy day for parents at Northbridge International School Cambodia. We have had our Student-Led Portfolio Conference, a Parent Coffee Morning, and a parent- run Christmas Fair. It is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is! 

Many parents joined us for today’s Student-Led conferences and it was encouraging to see how attentive our parents were as they listened to their children share about the learning they have done this semester.

It is vital for our students to learn how to communicate their thinking with others and reflect on their learning. Our students are growing up in a world that requires greater levels of collaboration and clear communication; skills that events such as this help develop.


The parent coffee morning was focused on the social-emotional needs of our children and helping our parents understand the Zippy’s Friends and Apple’s Friends programmes which are being taught in Primary.

We trust that our parents left with new ideas on how to support their child in developing social skills and positive coping strategies that will help them be more emotionally resilient.


Parent involvement in school continues to grow and we are so thankful for the added dimension that this brings to our students’ school experience. Today’s Christmas Fair is an example of this.

This is an annual event that our students look forward to with great excitement. The magical moments of decorating gingerbread men, making Christmas cards, and designing Christmas ornaments are part of the memories that our students have of their childhood and their time in our school community. 


Thank you, parents, for all that you do for our school and for your ongoing commitment to partnering with us in developing happy, whole children!


Below is an excerpt from an article on the School Family Website that speaks about the importance of parents being involved in their child’s education. We trust that you feel encouraged by the positive impact that you can have on your child’s education. We look forward to welcoming you again in March for the 3 Way Conferences.


Five reasons for Parents to Get Involved in their Child's Education

Higher grades and better behavior are just a few of the benefits of parent involvement. What if you could help your child enjoy school more, get better grades, and reduce behaviour problems at the same time?

Reams of research has shown that regardless of parents’ income and educational background, their involvement in education helps their kids do better in and out of school.

Here are 5 reasons you should get involved in your child’s education though there are many more than just these:

  • Higher grades - Kids whose parents are involved in their education get better grades and have higher test scores. And the more parents are involved, the more their children seem to benefit. A study of parents highly involved in the educational process showed that their children were more likely to improve in reading and math.

  • Better behavior - Kids develop better social skills and show improved behavior when their parents are involved at school. Studies have also shown that kids are less likely to skip school, less disruptive in class, and more likely to do their homework when their parents are involved. One study showed that when dads are highly involved in schools, their children enjoy school more and are less likely to be suspended, expelled, or required to repeat a grade.

  • Improved education - Research shows that parent involvement can help improve the quality of schools, raise teacher morale, and improve a school’s reputation in the community. Involved parents gain the respect of teachers; as a result, teachers have higher expectations of their children. Involvement pays off in the long term, too: Children stay in school longer and are more likely to continue their education after high school.

  • Increased confidence - When students feel supported at home and school, they develop more positive attitudes about school, have more self-confidence, and place a higher priority on academic achievement. Children of involved parents are more likely to feel that they’re accepted, included, and respected and at school.

  • Parents benefit too - When parents become involved in their children’s education, they become more comfortable in the school building, gain confidence in their parenting skills, and feel more capable of helping their children learn. They’re also more likely to continue their own education.

Involvement is easy. You don’t have to log hundreds of volunteer hours for your child to benefit. Even if you can only volunteer a few hours a year, every little bit counts.  
