Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
08 November, 2019

Northbridge Secondary staff enjoy development training on inclusive practices and teaching strategies

Northbridge Secondary staff enjoy development training on inclusive practices and teaching strategies - northbridgesecondarystaffenjoydevelopmenttrainingoninclusivepracticesandteachingstrategies
Northbridge Secondary staff enjoy development training on inclusive practices and teaching strategies On Friday November 8, 2019 the Secondary Staff at Northbridge International School Cambodia partook in a Personal Development (PD) training focussed on inclusive practices and learning about teaching strategies to integrate a sustainable differentiation teaching model within the everyday classrooms.

On Friday November 8, 2019 the Secondary Staff at Northbridge International School Cambodia partook in a Personal Development (PD) training focussed on inclusive practices and learning about teaching strategies to integrate a sustainable differentiation teaching model within the everyday classrooms.

Kascha Reed, Karen Geating, Frances Morton and Lana Lautamus all played a role over the past 16 months in welcoming Elena Cristoldi, an International Educator currently in the role of Whole School, Head of Learning Support at Prem Tinsulanonda International School in Chiang Mai, Thailand.


Elena led a one-day professional development for staff where the first session focused around the systems that encourage a culture of student choice and student agency, allowing students the power to direct and take responsibility for their learning, creating independent and self-regulating learners.  


The second portion of the day was spent looking at building connections between the MYP and DP programs, specifically in regards to self-motivation and metacognition skills.  Metacognition can take many forms; it includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or problem-solving.


The focal point of the final aspect of the professional was around the concept of sustainable teaching practices that innately include differentiation in the teaching and learning environment. 

Upon reviewing teaching continuums and co-planning/co-teaching models, teachers then had the opportunity to work on upcoming units to integrate these skills into their future teaching practices. The day ended with reviewing IB assessment practices, school policy and opportunities for the school to develop further. 


Northbridge would like to thank Elena for her time and willingness to collaborate with our community in supporting all students with their learning needs and providing them with the skills needed as 21st century learners.