Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
02 November, 2018

The importance of developing creativity

The importance of developing creativity - the-importance-of-developing-creativity
The importance of developing creativity As education develops over the years, certain trends take on importance at different times due to contextual and historical demands as well as what we learn about brain development and the way in which children learn. Sir Ken Robinson, a leading voice in education, has given various lectures on what he believes is currently needed in education, and I encourage anyone with an interest in education to view this as it is very thought provoking.

As education develops over the years, certain trends take on importance at different times due to contextual and historical demands as well as what we learn about brain development and the way in which children learn. Sir Ken Robinson, a leading voice in education, has given various lectures on what he believes is currently needed in education, and I encourage anyone with an interest in education to view the video below as it is very thought provoking.

RSA ANIMATE  Changing Education Paradigms

One of the biggest elements in education that he and many other leading educators around the world are emphasising is a focus on developing creativity. Without creative thought, there is limited problem-solving and pushing of boundaries - whether it is in engineering, medicine, music or visual arts. All innovation comes out of creativity and that is why we are committed to developing creativity here at Northbridge - be it through our units of inquiry, music, dance, visual arts, creative writing competitions or STEAM events. 

I recently visited the Grade 3 classes for an exhibition that they put on to showcase their art at the end of a unit on the central idea,’ Creating and responding to the arts develops an understanding of people and the world around us.’I was so impressed as I walked around and listened to students explain their artworks, which art movements had inspired them and why and what they were trying to achieve with their art pieces.

All of our students in the PYP are encouraged to think creatively in various situations, but here are a few that I would like to draw your attention to:

Global Campus Creative Writing Competition

The theme for this year’s competition is Global Goal 4 - Quality Education.

We hope that through writing about this, students will develop international mindedness and enhance their understanding around this Global Goal. Students will have the opportunity for their writing to be published in a book, released in April 2019.

Global Campus Photographers of the Year Competition

This year the photography competition has been Incorporated into units and into art lessons as well as being shared with students so they could also choose to contribute their photographs individually. This year’s theme focused on unpacking Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Students will have the opportunity to be published in the NAE calendar for next year.

Annie Production

Students have been rehearsing lines, singing songs and learning scripts to prepare for the primary production of Anniewhich will be performed on March 1st, 2019. Not only are students on stage working, but we also have many students behind the scenes helping prepare the sets, plan the choreography for certain songs and design and produce the costumes.

Performing in Assembly

We are encouraging students to perform more in assemblies as we would like them to develop confidence and take more risks in sharing their creativity with others. Last week we had Kelsie (5G), Alissa (3G), Donna (4G), Sivheng (4B), Rianna (3G), Angel (4B) and Yordan (3G) perform for us during the primary assembly.

How We Express Ourselves Units

Although creativity is brought into many of the units in our Programme of Inquiry, one of the Transdisciplinary Themes that has a clearly articulated connection to creativity is the How We Express Ourselvestheme. It is defined as, “An exploration of the way which we discover and express our nature, ideas, feelings, beliefs, and values through language and the arts.” Each year students from EL 3 - Grade 5 inquire into this theme for one of their units which allows them to actively engage in developing their own creativity.

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Upcoming Art Exhibition

Next Wednesday evening from 5:30 - 6:30, we will be opening our annual art exhibition at The Factory. Student artwork has been selected from across the school to allow our school community as well as the public to enjoy the creativity within our student body. The exhibition will be open for three weeks.

Although this is not by any means a full list of how our students develop their creativity at school, I hope it has given you a glimpse into some of the opportunities your child has at our school. I also encourage you to look out for the different ways in which your child shows creativity and to celebrate their efforts in developing this important area.

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