Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 April, 2018

Programme of inquiry review - keeping our curriculum current

Programme of inquiry review - keeping our curriculum current - programme-of-inquiry-review--keeping-our-curriculum-current
Programme of inquiry review - keeping our curriculum current The programme of inquiry in a PYP school is an overview of all of the units of inquiry in every grade level organised under the transdisciplinary themes.

The programme of inquiry in a PYP school is an overview of all of the units of inquiry in every grade level organised under the transdisciplinary themes.

At Northbridge, every two years, teachers spend time assessing the programme of inquiry (POI) to see if the units are relevant, significant, engaging and meaningful.

Lengthy discussions are held during which each unit is looked at and reviewed to see if any changes need to be made in the upcoming year's POI.

This week, teachers spent all of Monday engaged in this process of reviewing and refining the units for next year. Here are the criteria against which each unit was assessed:


During the next few weeks, Ms Bissy, our PYP Coordinator, will be working with teachers and refining the curriculum and looking for ways in which to integrate literacy and math concepts.

Once this lengthy process is complete, the new POI for 2018-2019 will be shared with our community on the school website. 

We hope that all of you will spend some time looking at it. If you see a way in which to support our students' learning - be it through connections with guest speakers who are knowledgeable on a certain central idea, or resources that could be shared with classes as they inquire into a particular matter - please let us know. 

We value and welcome parental involvement in the education of our students and look forward to providing rich learning experiences during all of the units of inquiry next school year.