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News image How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge - How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge Blog | Secondary | Educational Insights
How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge

As a teacher with a background in information communications technology, I understand why it is easy to feel left behind – Web 3.0, NFTs , the metaverse, hyperautomation, extended reality, gamification, augmented reality, quantum computing, “Internet of things" ... even if you have heard of some of these words, how many people really know what they are or what their potential is? And while the “distributed cloud” sounds like a rainy day at Northbridge International School Cambodia, it really has nothing to do with the weather.

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News image Why we are marking World Mental Health Day at Northbridge - Why we are marking World Mental Health Day at Northbridge Blog | Whole School | School News
Why we are marking World Mental Health Day at Northbridge
Monday 10 October is World Mental Health Day, where at Northbridge International School Cambodia we will be raising awareness about mental health issues around the world, and working towards reducing stigma associated with mental illness.
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News image Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners - Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners Blog | Primary | Student Stories
Grade One at Northbridge - growing together as a community of learners

Our first Unit of Inquiry in Grade One at Northbridge International School Cambodia has been a time of connecting and feeling belonging as we get to know ourselves and each other.

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News image Northbridge Global Campus team has been a tour de force since their return in August - Northbridge Global Campus team has been a tour de force since their return in August Blog | Global Campus | Secondary
Northbridge Global Campus team has been a tour de force since their return in August
We have already planned and prepared so much for this semester and all under the wonderful guidance of our student leaders at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Northbridge International School continues to grow and flourish as a proud continuum IB world school - Northbridge International School continues to grow and flourish as a proud continuum IB world school Blog | Secondary | School News
Northbridge International School continues to grow and flourish as a proud continuum IB world school
It was a joy recently to share our fabulous school with 6 representatives from the International Baccalaureate. September 5th through to the 7th was the culmination of 18 months of reflection, refinement and envisioning together as a community our plans for the continued success of our 3 IB programmes at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be - A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be Blog | Primary | Student Work and Success
A Northbridge Grade 5 inquiry - How to be the best we can be

Currently in the Grade 5 classrooms at Northbridge International School Cambodia, the students and the teachers are on a bit of a journey exploring how to be a successful learner. 

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News image Evaluating Northbridge sustainability with the Eco-Council - Evaluating Northbridge sustainability with the Eco-Council Blog | Whole School | School News
Evaluating Northbridge sustainability with the Eco-Council

On 29 August 2022, the Northbridge International School Cambodia Eco-Council held their first meeting with the newly elected roles and committee members.

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News image Moving to Secondary at Northbridge takes some getting used to - even for the well prepared - Moving to Secondary at Northbridge takes some getting used to - even for the well prepared Blog | Secondary | School Advice
Moving to Secondary at Northbridge takes some getting used to - even for the well prepared
It has been an eventful and exciting few weeks for the grade six students at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Their secondary school transition began in the last term of grade five with a series of events designed to make the transition to secondary school a less stressful, more positive experience. 
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News image Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge - Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School News
Presenting real life learning in Grade 3 at Northbridge
A dragon fruit is quite a spectacular fruit, but it is not common in all parts of the world, so if you had never seen one and tried to imagine what it would be like, what would you think? Would it be spicy and hot like a dragon’s breath? Would it be red or green like the dragons in pictures? Would it have spikes along the back? This question was recently posed to Grade 3 students at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School - Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School Blog | Whole School | School News | School Activities
Northbridge embarks on the journey to become an Eco-School
It was delightful to see over 70 passionate candidates recently competing to join this year’s Eco Council at Northbridge International School Cambodia. From 4th graders to 11th graders, every person shared their values during their speech in the hope of becoming a member of the Eco Committee.
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News image How we can celebrate our differences at Northbridge - How we can celebrate our differences at Northbridge Blog | Secondary | School Advice
How we can celebrate our differences at Northbridge
Many people wave their flags of diversity without digging deep. People, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, will not admit to thinking Everyone is different but should not be different enough to bother me.” On the other extreme – those who think “I am different, so I cannot accept others who can’t accept me.” There are no winners here. A lot of that has to change and we know it’s not that simple! It is not natural for us to celebrate our differences, so it will require responsibility. How?
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News image Musings about the changing use in technology at Northbridge - Musings about the changing use in technology at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Teacher Stories
Musings about the changing use of technology at Northbridge
It may come as a surprise to you, but I am a child of the sixties who grew up in the UK during the 70’s and early 80’s (before eventually ending up at Northbridge International School Cambodia a few years ago). When we were growing up; bicycles, sports, reading and building things were our main pastimes.
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News image Northbridge student ambassadors attend global UNICEF summit in New York - Northbridge student ambassadors attend global UNICEF summit in New York Blog | Secondary | UNICEF | Student Stories
Northbridge student ambassadors attend global UNICEF summit in New York
Every year, as part of Nord Anglia Education’s collaboration with UNICEF, student ambassadors from all around the world gather to meet in New York, the headquarters of the United Nations. This year Northbridge International School Cambodia was lucky enough to send (virtually) two ambassadors to attend this event. Please read on to find out more about what Gyubin and Seo Yun got up to.
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News image 2022 IB Results - 2022 IB Results News | School News | Secondary
IB Results: Northbridge students among the world's highest achievers
Students studying the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) at Northbridge International School Cambodia in 2022 have once again performed significantly above the global average.
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News image Data informed teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme at Northbridge - Data informed teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme at Northbridge Blog | Secondary | School News
Data informed teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme at Northbridge
As we welcome the class of 2024 to the Diploma Programme (DP) at Northbridge International School Cambodia, our DP teachers are excited to empower our grade 11 students to take on new challenges, to learn new skills and to further develop insights into the world they live in.
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News image How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge - How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Advice
How to make our Primary students fall in love with learning at Northbridge
Human beings have an innate ability to learn, and it is no secret that any learning process must be pleasant, fun, and attractive, but above all meaningful. This means that what a student learns in the classroom at Northbridge International School Cambodia must have effective applicability in real life. Otherwise, we could be offering information and data that may be very interesting, but with little meaning for real life.
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News image Why this year is going to be the greenest ever at Northbridge - Why this year is going to be the greenest ever at Northbridge Blog | Whole School | School News
Why this year is going to be the greenest ever at Northbridge

Back in September 2021, when I first arrived at Northbridge International School Cambodia, I was asked if I could supervise an eco-group by our Global Campus Leader. Eight students joined me online as we discussed a vision and aims for the group. Three of those aims were met on the 1st day back of school on Thursday 11th August 2022.

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News image Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary - Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary Blog | Secondary | School News
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Secondary
It has been wonderful to see all the students back in school this week for the start of another exciting year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Fresh faced, smiles on their faces, summer stories to tell. A real buzz was in the air. 
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News image Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary - Welcome to the new school year from the Head of Primary Blog | Primary | School News
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge from the Head of Primary
Welcome to the new school year at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I hope you have managed to get some time to relax and the students are rested and ready for their new classes. It was certainly lovely to see so many of them on Wednesday when they came to see their new teachers and learning spaces.
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News image Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments - Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments Blog | Music and Drama | Student Work and Success
Northbridge student performance The Greatest Show leads to the greatest moments

Thank you, Northbridge International School Cambodia, your energy for our production of The Greatest Show was truly electric! Between your cheers, the beats laid down by our live pit band, and our outstanding performers, our circus was rocking! We loved the enthusiasm you showed for our artists.

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