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The Language and Literature Department at Northbridge International School Cambodia firmly believe that reading and literacy are essential skills that have a profound impact on an individual's personal and professional life.
In the dynamic world of high school education, the significance of student leadership cannot be overstated. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we recognize the important role that leadership plays in shaping well-rounded individuals and preparing them for success beyond the classroom.
When people think about leadership, what often comes to mind are the concepts of power, decision making, delegating and innovation. Seldom does one think about care, empathy, kindness, and generosity – however these traits that highlight the emotional skills for successful and effective leadership, including by students at Northbridge International School Cambodia, are just as important.
Teenagers, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, are at a crucial stage in their lives as they try to navigate the complexities of growing up. They are faced with the challenge of balancing academic demands, peer pressure, and family expectations, all while trying to discover their own identity and purpose in life.
What are the Primary Arts all about? Is it just a load of fun and messing around? It is fun, which is why we love it but there is so much more to the programme than some people might think.
Eco-Council's most awaited project, Earth Week, has been in the works for over 2 months. Members worked diligently to come up with innovative projects to encourage students to participate in becoming more eco-friendly.
For the last several months grade 10 students at Northbridge International School Cambodia have been thinking about their futures and the pathways they intend to take both next year in the DP and subsequently after.
The students and teachers of Northbridge International School Cambodia have been involved in opportunities during the year to reaffirm the importance of 'play' in our everyday lives.
Academic integrity is a fundamental aspect of education at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) tools has raised concerns about maintaining ethical and moral standards.
Congratulation to the Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 12 Visual Arts students who opened their end-of-program exhibition on the 9th of March.
Approaches to learning are essential for young children's school readiness and early school success. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we know that positive learning approaches, such as self-management, communication, social, thinking and research skills, are associated with higher levels of early school achievement.
In the Primary Years Programme (PYP), including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, 'action' is considered to be both an application of learning and an opportunity for students to engage in a form of contribution or service.
All of us at Northbridge International School Cambodia have busy schedules, and sometimes it’s difficult to fit everything in. However, it’s vitally important that all of us (including our students) are getting enough sleep every night.
The gavel has come down on the 6th Annual NISCMUN conference! After months of hard work and planning by the student executive team and school staff at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we can safely say that we have hosted a conference we can be proud of.
When we look back on our own childhood, like the ones children at Northbridge International School Cambodia are currently enjoying, what are the experiences that we remember most fondly?
The future of mathematics education at school level, including here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, is an exciting topic of discussion as it holds the key to equipping students with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly data-driven and technologically advanced world. The field of mathematics is constantly evolving, and it is essential that the way it is taught in schools keeps pace with these developments.
Hello my name is Mr Andy and I am a teacher at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I would like to talk to you today a little bit about puzzles. We know that these come in all shapes and sizes, and naturally I recommend them all, whether they be sudoku, crosswords, wordle, tetris, candycrush, or video games.
With more than 40 different nationalities and 20 languages represented on campus, Northbridge International School Cambodia welcomes and values all linguistic and cultural backgrounds brought by the students, the parents and the school community. Our mission is to inspire dynamic, respectful and compassionate global citizens, and we believe that our multilingual school environment helps accomplish it.
At our last Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Coffee Morning, the Inclusion Team presented to parents about two interesting topics: age-appropriate independence in Primary-aged children, and adolescent brain development in Secondary-aged children. It was great to share stories about the stages our children go through, as well as reflecting on our own personal journeys through childhood and adolescence.