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News image Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 20 October 2020 - welcome-to-the-update-from-the-northbridge-parent-council--20-october-2020 News | parents
Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 20 October 2020
Welcome to the update from the Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Council, which follows their regular meeting and discussion. Here are the topics that were addressed at the latest meeting.
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News image How Northbridge provides students with a pathway to success in business and beyond - how-northbridge-provides-students-with-a-pathway-to-success-in-business-and-beyond Blog | homepagefeaturedarticle | Featured
How Northbridge provides students with a pathway to success in business and beyond
Northbridge International School Cambodia students achieve more than even they may have thought possible. We truly believe there is no limit to what students can achieve socially, personally and academically. Northbridge students excel at a range of disciplines, as shown by our excellent IB Diploma results this year, which this year were the best in the country.
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News image How we can all help encourage our middle school students at Northbridge to develop resilience - how-we-can-all-help-encourage-our-middle-school-students-at-northbridge-to-develop-resilience Blog | Secondary
How we can all help encourage our middle school students at Northbridge to develop resilience
It is something that is observed across all grade levels but more so amongst middle school students at Northbridge International School Cambodia - student frustration leading to self defeat. Parents and teachers recognize the signs—a resigned sigh, an embarrassed glance at the floor, or a comment like “I’ll never be able to do this,” or “I’m not smart enough.”
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News image Northbridge Primary school STUCO and Action Squads unveil exciting plans for the year - northbridge-primary-school-stuco-and-action-squads-unveil-exciting-plans-for-the-year Blog | Primary
Northbridge Primary school STUCO and Action Squads unveil exciting plans for the year
Last Friday we engaged in our mental health well-being day at Northbridge International School Cambodia, when students across the school dressed in green or purchased a green ribbon and thought about what mental health meant to them and ways in which we could help each other feel good about themselves. This was an initiative organised by the Secondary Stuco in conjunction with Secondary action teams.
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News image Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus - northbridge-students-embrace-the-exciting-new-possibilities-of-the-revamped-global-campus Blog | Secondary
Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus
The last two weeks have seen some significant developments in Global Campus here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, but equally we see a major overhaul of the Global Campus website that took place over the summer.
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News image Highlights from the Northbridge Parent Coffee Morning held on Friday 9 October - highlights-from-the-northbridge-parent-coffee-morning-held-on-friday-9-october News | parents
Highlights from the Northbridge Parent Coffee Morning held on Friday 9 October
Every month, Northbridge International School Cambodia parents are invited to Parent Coffee Morning, where our staff provide important updates on the school's development. Here are the highlights from October 2020.
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News image Northbridge celebrates World Mental Health Day through a week of supportive activities - northbridge-celebrates-world-mental-health-day-through-a-week-of-supportive-activities Blog | Whole School
Northbridge celebrates World Mental Health Day through a week of supportive activities
The ongoing pandemic has taken its toll on people’s lives around the world, including here at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Everyone is vulnerable, regardless of age, gender, or race. It changed the way we deal with life on a daily basis and we are compelled to adjust to a new normal way of life. These changes affect different aspects of our lives, including our mental and emotional well-being.
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News image Why we're so happy for our students that PHE classes are finally back on at Northbridge - why-were-so-happy-for-our-students-that-phe-classes-are-finally-back-on-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Why we're so happy for our students that PHE classes are finally back on at Northbridge
Six months is a long time without practical PHE at Northbridge International School Cambodia. The lockdown affected our subject more than most and we are so happy that lessons are back and our students are active.
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News image Why parents are one of the most important factors in their child's careers pathway at Northbridge - why-parents-are-one-of-the-most-important-factors-in-their-childs-careers-pathway-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Why parents are one of the most important factors in their child's careers pathway at Northbridge
At Northbridge International School Cambodia, parents are a major influence in their child's career development and decision-making.
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News image Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 29 September 2020 - welcome-to-the-update-from-the-northbridge-parent-council--29-september-2020 News | parents
Welcome to the update from the Northbridge Parent Council - 29 September 2020
Welcome to the update from the Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Council, which follows their regular meeting and discussion. Here are the topics that were addressed at the latest meeting.
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News image CAS Week at Northbridge embraces a new approach in the new normal - cas-week-at-northbridge-embraces-a-new-approach-in-the-new-normal Blog | Secondary
CAS Week at Northbridge embraces a new approach in the new normal
The Northbridge International School Cambodia CAS Fair is an annual event which invites Grade 12s to showcase the CAS experiences they’ve been working on over the last year. Our NGO partners are also welcomed to the school to present the essential work they carry out in the community. The Primary School cafeteria, where the fair is hosted, becomes a hive of activity with grade 12, our community partners, staff and students in attendance. In short, a social distancing dilemma which required a fresh look for 2020.
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News image The IB were forward thinking in their development of the PYP programme we use at Northbridge - the-ib-were-forward-thinking-in-their-development-of-the-pyp-programme-we-use-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
The IB were forward thinking in their development of the PYP programme we use at Northbridge
Some years before I joined Northbridge International School Cambodia, when I was a teacher of a Grade 2 class in Singapore in 1999 we had just introduced the PYP into the school. This was my first experience of working with this programme and like many people had to make sense of the many different terms and ideas associated with it.
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News image Why we've introduced the new DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science course to Northbridge - why-weve-introduced-the-new-dp-sports-exercise-and-health-science-course-to-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Why we've introduced the new DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science course to Northbridge
The 2020-2021 academic year sees a new, exciting course offered to our IB Diploma students for the first time here at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Highlights from the Northbridge Parent Coffee Morning held on Friday 11 September - highlights-from-the-northbridge-parent-coffee-morning-held-on-friday-11-september News | parents
Highlights from the Northbridge Parent Coffee Morning held on Friday 11 September
Every month, Northbridge International School Cambodia parents are invited to Parent Coffee Morning, where our staff provide important updates on the school's development. Here are the highlights from September 2020.
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News image Understanding the importance of a growth mindset for our young mathematicians at Northbridge - understanding-the-importance-of-a-growth-mindset-for-our-young-mathematicians-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Understanding the importance of a growth mindset for our young mathematicians at Northbridge
This year I have the wonderful opportunity to support the development of mathematics in the Primary school at Northbridge International School Cambodia. I am following on from Bissy Groom and Miri Koliada who have supported the school to implement an inquiry-based approach. I wanted to share with the community what I have discovered and understood from this strong beginning in our school and a mathematician I turn to for a lot of my inspiration: Dr Jo Boaler (Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University).
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News image 21st Century Students at Northbridge: Who are they? - 21st-century-students-at-northbridge-who-are-they Blog | Secondary
21st Century Students at Northbridge: Who are they?
At Northbridge International School Cambodia we are busy laying out the foundation of a 21st Century student. With the changing ebb and flow of time, our students should better be equipped with the dexterity they need to face the tides.
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News image Why a parent’s relationship with their child’s teachers is the foundation of the Northbridge home-school partnership - whyaparentsrelationshipwiththeirchildsteachersisthefoundationofthenorthbridgehomeschoolpartnership News | Primary
Why a parent’s relationship with their child’s teachers is the foundation of the Northbridge home-school partnership
This week in Primary our homeroom teachers have been connecting with the parents of children in their classes. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, we believe this meeting to be one of the most important in the year. A relationship of trust and clear communication between home and school is an important factor in any child’s success, and a parent’s relationship with their child’s homeroom teachers is the foundation of the home-school partnership.
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News image Welcome to the monthly update from the Northbridge Parent Council - September 2020 - welcome-to-the-monthly-update-from-the-northbridge-parent-council--september-2020 News | parents
Welcome to the monthly update from the Northbridge Parent Council - September 2020
Welcome to the monthly update from the Northbridge International School Cambodia Parent Council, which follows their regular meeting and discussion. Here are the topics that were addressed at this month's meeting.
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News image A guide to help parents of Northbridge teenagers understand the mind of their child - a-guide-to-help-parents-of-northbridge-teenagers-understand-the-mind-of-their-child Blog | Secondary
A guide to help parents of Northbridge teenagers understand the mind of their child
If you’ve got teenage children at Northbridge International School Cambodia, there’s a good chance you’ve found yourself looking at them and thinking “why on earth are they doing that?” Have you put your sweet, caring child to bed one night, and woken up the next morning thinking “who is this teenage monster invading my loving family home?” Perhaps you’ve yet to experience teenagers at close quarters, but passing encounters at the mall have left you with a dumbfounded expression, asking yourself, “what the…?”
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News image Understanding the importance of promoting the eight C's of education in all of our Northbridge learners - understandingtheimportanceofpromotingtheeightcsofeducationinallofournorthbridgelearners News | Primary
Understanding the importance of promoting the eight C's of education in all of our Northbridge learners
Last weekend saw the passing of one of the great influences of modern education - including here at Northbridge International School Cambodia - Sir Ken Robinson. I first came across his work, as many people did, through viewing his TED talk on how education is killing creativity in schools.
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