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News image Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus - northbridge-students-embrace-the-exciting-new-possibilities-of-the-revamped-global-campus Blog | Secondary
Northbridge students embrace the exciting new possibilities of the revamped Global Campus
The last two weeks have seen some significant developments in Global Campus here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, but equally we see a major overhaul of the Global Campus website that took place over the summer.
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News image Why parents are one of the most important factors in their child's careers pathway at Northbridge - why-parents-are-one-of-the-most-important-factors-in-their-childs-careers-pathway-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Why parents are one of the most important factors in their child's careers pathway at Northbridge
At Northbridge International School Cambodia, parents are a major influence in their child's career development and decision-making.
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News image CAS Week at Northbridge embraces a new approach in the new normal - cas-week-at-northbridge-embraces-a-new-approach-in-the-new-normal Blog | Secondary
CAS Week at Northbridge embraces a new approach in the new normal
The Northbridge International School Cambodia CAS Fair is an annual event which invites Grade 12s to showcase the CAS experiences they’ve been working on over the last year. Our NGO partners are also welcomed to the school to present the essential work they carry out in the community. The Primary School cafeteria, where the fair is hosted, becomes a hive of activity with grade 12, our community partners, staff and students in attendance. In short, a social distancing dilemma which required a fresh look for 2020.
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News image Why we've introduced the new DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science course to Northbridge - why-weve-introduced-the-new-dp-sports-exercise-and-health-science-course-to-northbridge Blog | Secondary
Why we've introduced the new DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science course to Northbridge
The 2020-2021 academic year sees a new, exciting course offered to our IB Diploma students for the first time here at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image 21st Century Students at Northbridge: Who are they? - 21st-century-students-at-northbridge-who-are-they Blog | Secondary
21st Century Students at Northbridge: Who are they?
At Northbridge International School Cambodia we are busy laying out the foundation of a 21st Century student. With the changing ebb and flow of time, our students should better be equipped with the dexterity they need to face the tides.
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News image A guide to help parents of Northbridge teenagers understand the mind of their child - a-guide-to-help-parents-of-northbridge-teenagers-understand-the-mind-of-their-child Blog | Secondary
A guide to help parents of Northbridge teenagers understand the mind of their child
If you’ve got teenage children at Northbridge International School Cambodia, there’s a good chance you’ve found yourself looking at them and thinking “why on earth are they doing that?” Have you put your sweet, caring child to bed one night, and woken up the next morning thinking “who is this teenage monster invading my loving family home?” Perhaps you’ve yet to experience teenagers at close quarters, but passing encounters at the mall have left you with a dumbfounded expression, asking yourself, “what the…?”
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News image Even during times of adversity, Northbridge students reach out to others in truly authentic action - even-during-times-of-adversity-northbridge-students-reach-out-to-others-in-truly-authentic-action Blog | Secondary
Even during times of adversity, Northbridge students reach out to others in truly authentic action
To say last academic year at Northbridge International School Cambodia presented some unique challenges would be an understatement. Our daily lives were thrown into disarray as staff, parents and students had to suddenly adjust to 'the new normal'. Collectively and individually we had to ride our own waves to stay afloat, and to have only thought of ourselves would have been understandable given the circumstances.
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News image How we are continually removing barriers to learning at Northbridge - how-we-are-continually-removing-barriers-to-learning-at-northbridge Blog | Secondary
How we are continually removing barriers to learning at Northbridge
As we live in a world that is ever changing, it is increasingly crucial to embrace the diversity and differences that make us all unique at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Inclusion in education involves continuous change, mutual respect and constant support.
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News image The Northbridge Makerspace has been busy in the first few weeks of school as we reopened to students - the-northbridge-makerspace-has-been-busy-in-the-first-few-weeks-of-school-as-we-reopened-to-students Blog | Secondary
The Northbridge Makerspace has been busy in the first few weeks of school as we reopened to students
As our school community knows, all Northbridge International School Cambodia staff and students are required to wear masks at all times to prevent transmission of the virus. This presents challenges for classrooms, as it can be very difficult for students, particularly non-native English speakers to understand communication when the speaker's voice is muffled and their facial expressions are hidden. The NISC Makers Club, with the help of Mr Jack, have been manufacturing clear face shields to help solve this problem.
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News image Outstanding results achieved by our Northbridge IB Diploma students for the 2019/20 academic year - outstanding-results-achieved-by-our-northbridge-ib-diploma-students-for-the-201920-academic-year Blog | Secondary
Outstanding results achieved by our Northbridge IB Diploma students for the 2019/20 academic year
Northbridge International School Cambodia students achieve more than they may have thought possible. We believe there is no limit to what students can achieve socially, personally and academically. This year, our students’ academic results reflect our shared commitment to excellence.
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News image Helping your children transition back on to campus at Northbridge International School Cambodia - helping-your-children-transition-back-on-to-campus-at-northbridge-international-school-cambodia Blog | Secondary
Helping your children transition back on to campus at Northbridge International School Cambodia
To say that our lives have been disrupted by the coronavirus is an understatement. All plans are affected. However, as we prepare to return to campus learning at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we know what a roller coaster of emotions our students are experiencing, and it is exhausting.
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News image Congratulations to the Northbridge International School graduating Class of 2020 - you made it! - congratulations-to-the-northbridge-international-school-graduating-class-of-2020--you-made-it Blog | Secondary
Congratulations to the Northbridge International School graduating Class of 2020 - you made it!
Today marked the end of the school year 2019-2020, and we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the achievement of our 40 Northbridge International School Cambodia graduates who have completed their schooling journey with us.
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News image Northbridge students and staff celebrate the arts during virtual Creativity Night - northbridge-students-and-staff-celebrate-the-arts-during-virtual-creativity-night Blog | Secondary
Northbridge students and staff celebrate the arts during virtual Creativity Night
The Northbridge International School Cambodia Arts Council presented Creativity Night virtually this year as a result of the enforced closure of the school campus. Creativity Night is a much looked forward to student-led event at NISC, an annual evening that provides an opportunity for our students to express themselves through both visual and performing arts.
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News image How we're helping all of our Northbridge Nagas to stay fit and active at home this summer - how-were-helping-all-of-our-northbridge-nagas-to-stay-fit-and-active-at-home-this-summer Blog | Primary | Secondary
How we're helping all of our Northbridge Nagas to stay fit and active at home this summer
During this time of remote learning and the Virtual School Experience, the Northbridge International School Cambodia PE staff have been working hard to ensure all our students are staying as active as possible while at home.
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News image Guide from Northbridge IT: how to ensure your child's internet safety - guide-from-northbridge-it-how-to-ensure-your-childs-internet-safety Blog | Primary | Secondary
Guide from Northbridge IT: how to ensure your child's internet safety
During this time of remote learning during the Northbridge International School Cambodia Virtual School Experience, we have had to upend accepted norms around screen time for children.
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News image Northbridge dance teacher Mr Alan and his students embark on the 'Housebound Odyssey' - northbridge-dance-teacher-mr-alan-and-his-students-embark-on-the-housebound-odyssey Blog | Secondary
Northbridge dance teacher Mr Alan and his students embark on the 'Housebound Odyssey'
Necessity is said to be the mother of invention, and I think it safe to say the sudden shift from classroom to computer screen made inventors of us all at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Why it's amazing virtual science all round from students and staff at Northbridge Cambodia - why-its-amazing-virtual-science-all-round-from-students-and-staff-at-northbridge-cambodia Blog | Secondary
Why it's amazing virtual science all round from students and staff at Northbridge Cambodia
The challenges of the virtual school experience are inescapable. Students and teachers at Northbridge International School Cambodia have been walking a steep learning slope for the last 2 months with successes and failures but always with the most positive attitude to make this a meaningful experience where everyone learns and benefits. Let’s take a look at some amazing work and projects that our students are working on or already completed and finish with the reflections from teachers about this experience.
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News image How the math department at Northbridge has embraced the importance of interdisciplinary units - how-the-math-department-at-northbridge-has-embraced-the-importance-of-interdisciplinary-units Blog | Secondary
How the math department at Northbridge has embraced the importance of interdisciplinary units
In recent years, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, education has seen a trend in moving away from the traditional subject specific classroom tasks and assessments and into a more interdisciplinary approach to learning.
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News image Northbridge Grade 12 student makes and distributes face shields to Cambodians most in need - northbridge-grade-12-student-makes-and-distributes-face-shields-to-cambodians-most-in-need News | Secondary
Northbridge Grade 12 student makes and distributes face shields to Cambodians most in need
The threat of Covid-19 demands us all to take additional health precautions, however some resources in Cambodia are in limited supply. Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 12 student Nimol identified this and, as a result, took it upon herself to learn how to make face shields (nearly 1,500 of them!) with the support of a health specialist in Thailand.
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News image How learning music at Northbridge is a constant in times of change - how-learning-music-at-northbridge-is-a-constant-in-times-of-change Blog | Secondary
How learning music at Northbridge is a constant in times of change
The world as we knew it, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, changed rapidly due to Covid-19. At the same time I noticed a change on my social media feeds. More and more people were sharing music; their ten most influential albums, links to videos of their favourite songs, and homemade videos of amateurs and professionals performing.
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