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News image Why we provide daily opportunities for sensory play and exploration in Early Learning at Northbridge - why-we-provide-daily-opportunities-for-sensory-play-and-exploration-in-early-learning-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Why we provide daily opportunities for sensory play and exploration in Early Learning at Northbridge
In Early Learning at Northbridge International School Cambodia, we provide daily opportunities for sensory play and exploration. Sensory play is when children engage in any learning experience that stimulates the use of their senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing.
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News image To learn maths at Northbridge, a child must first develop their visual memory and perception - to-learn-maths-at-northbridge-a-child-must-first-develop-their-visual-memory-and-perception Blog | Primary
To learn maths at Northbridge, a child must first develop their visual memory and perception
Visual perception is the brain’s ability to understand what the eyes see. Visual memory is being able to remember what has been seen. They are extremely important skills that every child at Northbridge International School Cambodia must develop in order to be a successful mathematician.
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News image The ways we continue to focus on how Northbridge staff can ensure all students learn and grow - the-ways-we-continue-to-focus-on-how-northbridge-staff-can-ensure-all-students-learn-and-grow Blog | Primary
The ways we continue to focus on how Northbridge staff can ensure all students learn and grow
Looking ahead at this semester, the calendar is filled with wonderful events, sports activities, musical productions and assessments for students at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image Introducing the many benefits of our Northbridge collaboration with the Juilliard School - introducing-the-many-benefits-of-our-northbridge-collaboration-with-the-juilliard-school Blog | Primary
Introducing the many benefits of our Northbridge collaboration with the Juilliard School
The Juilliard School is a world leader in performing arts education. Our Northbridge International School Cambodia collaboration with Juilliard provides our students with high quality learning experiences, and also provides high-level professional training and personal development opportunities for our teachers.
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News image December has been a busy month for sport in Northbridge Primary, and overall a very successful one! - december-has-been-a-busy-month-for-sport-in-northbridge-primary-and-overall-a-very-successful-one Blog | Primary
December has been a busy month for sport in Northbridge Primary, and overall a very successful one!
On 4 December all of our Northbridge International School Cambodia students from Grades 3 to 5 took part in the YAPP Track and Field Day. Not only was this a chance for the students to meet and compete with students from other ISSAPP schools it also was a fun day filled with achieving personal bests. All the students did a fabulous job and should be proud of their efforts.
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News image Why it is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is at Northbridge International School - whyitistrulyadmirabletoseehowengagedourparentcommunityisatnorthbridgeinternationalschool News | Primary
Why it is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is at Northbridge International School
Today has been a busy day for parents at Northbridge International School Cambodia. We have had our Student-Led Portfolio Conference, a Parent Coffee Morning, and a parent- run Christmas Fair. It is truly admirable to see how engaged our parent community is!
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News image Taking a look back on this semester’s exciting Primary school learning trips at Northbridge - taking-a-look-back-on-this-semesters-exciting-primary-school-learning-trips-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Taking a look back on this semester’s exciting Primary school learning trips at Northbridge
This semester, Northbridge International School Cambodia students in the Primary school have enjoyed a variety of trips and experiences to enhance their learning. Educational field trips are an important part of the school’s overall co- and extra-curricular program. They play an integral role in students’ learning and we are committed to finding new and engaging places to visit as well as inviting people in to speak to our students so that their understanding can deepen regarding a particular topic or issue.
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News image Northbridge teachers are constantly updating their ICT skills to support our digital native students - northbridge-teachers-are-constantly-updating-their-ict-skills-to-support-our-digital-native-students Blog | Primary
Northbridge teachers are constantly updating their ICT skills to support our digital native students
When it comes to teaching and learning, virtually any content is enhanced by the integration of tech tools, apps, programs or resources. Most of our students at Northbridge International School Cambodia are digital natives, and teachers must support their need to build their IT skills and engage these skills in a way that allows them to become strengths that they can transfer to their future education.
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News image How Northbridge creates a working environment where innovative teaching practice is the norm - how-northbridge-creates-a-working-environment-where-innovative-teaching-practice-is-the-norm Blog | Primary
How Northbridge creates a working environment where innovative teaching practice is the norm
An important part of the IBO’s mission statement lays out its focus on developing students to become lifelong learners. This focus on encouraging learning beyond the school years is mirrored in the expectation we have for our teachers at Northbridge International School Cambodia to model this commitment to engaging in professional learning.
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News image Putting 'Caring Hearts Ambitious Minds' into action - our Northbridge STUCO Action Squad - putting-caring-hearts-ambitious-minds-into-action--our-northbridge-stuco-action-squad Blog | Primary
Putting 'Caring Hearts Ambitious Minds' into action - our Northbridge STUCO Action Squad
About three years ago, we made a decision to redesign the mission of our Primary Student Council at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Rather than limiting participation to representatives of each class, we decided to open up membership to any student who wanted to make a difference in our school.
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News image How we teach Northbridge Primary students appropriate and important coping strategies - how-we-teach-northbridge-primary-students-appropriate-and-important-coping-strategies Blog | Primary
How we teach Northbridge Primary students appropriate and important coping strategies
We all have good days and bad days at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Good moments and bad moments throughout your day. Over time, we adults have developed appropriate strategies to help us get over this disappointment and deal with the loss. You might choose to listen to music, go for a walk, do yoga, eat chocolate or a variety of other strategies.
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News image What is the value in having Primary children express themselves through art at Northbridge? - what-is-the-value-in-having-primary-children-express-themselves-through-art-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
What is the value in having Primary children express themselves through art at Northbridge?
During our How We Express Ourselves unit in Grade 3 at Northbridge International School Cambodia, students have been gaining new knowledge and developing their skills. We learnt about famous artists as well as why and how they created their art.
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News image Why it's vital that we encourage children to develop a passion for writing at Northbridge - why-its-vital-that-we-encourage-children-to-develop-a-passion-for-writing-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Why it's vital that we encourage children to develop a passion for writing at Northbridge
Everyday at Northbridge International School Cambodia, children write; whether they are making notes, typing on their devices, sending emails or recording their learning. Since this is a skill we use daily, it is vital that we encourage children to develop a passion for writing and to understand that they are writers, no matter their age.
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News image Primary maths at Northbridge, and how you can help your child to be a great maths learner - primary-maths-at-northbridge-and-how-you-can-help-your-child-to-be-a-great-maths-learner Blog | Primary
Primary maths at Northbridge, and how you can help your child to be a great maths learner
Calculating is just one of the many skills that students must learn in order to be great maths learners. At Northbridge International School Cambodia, because we teach the IB curriculum, our students learn through an inquiry approach where they ask questions, wonder and explore different pathways - and this doesn’t stop as we enter the maths classroom.
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News image Inquiry at Northbridge helps our young people achieve academically, socially and emotionally - inquiry-at-northbridge-helps-our-young-people-achieve-academically-socially-and-emotionally Blog | Primary
Inquiry at Northbridge helps our young people achieve academically, socially and emotionally
Inquiry learning and teaching is not just a block in the day at Northbridge International School Cambodia. It is an approach to learning that not only helps our young people to achieve academically, but also socially and emotionally.
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News image Why the reading program at Northbridge is essential for your child's future success - why-the-reading-program-at-northbridge-is-essential-for-your-childs-future-success Blog | Primary
Why the reading program at Northbridge is essential for your child's future success
Reading is the basis of so much of our learning at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and is essential for success, both academically and in the wider world. We want to equip our children with the foundational skills to allow them to be able to learn in a transdisciplinary way.
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News image Why establishing routines at home can help our kids become their very best at Northbridge - why-establishing-routines-at-home-can-help-our-kids-become-their-very-best-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Why establishing routines at home can help our kids become their very best at Northbridge
As well as working at Northbridge International School Cambodia, I’m also a parent, and I know how hard it is to establish a routine at home. So hard, that I often ask myself if routines are really necessary. It’s so easy to go with the flow! But is this really best for our children, or do routines help them?
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News image Three key actions parents can take to improve their child’s learning success at Northbridge - three-key-actions-parents-can-take-to-improve-their-childs-learning-success-at-northbridge Blog | Primary
Three key actions parents can take to improve their child’s learning success at Northbridge
It has been wonderful seeing all the students enjoying their time at Northbridge International School Cambodia during this first week. I have had the chance to find out what our returning students experienced during the holidays, as well as learning more about who our new students are and how they are settling into our school community.
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News image Northbridge library fills the shelves with a great new range of books for Primary - come and read them! - northbridgelibraryfillstheshelveswithagreatnewrangeofbooksforprimarycomeandreadthem News | Primary
Northbridge library fills the shelves with a great new range of books for Primary - come and read them!
We hope to see you all in the Northbridge International School Cambodia library this week to get your noses stuck in some of these great new titles aimed at our Primary students.
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News image Dear Northbridge parents, here's how you can support your child's development over the summer - dear-northbridge-parents-heres-how-you-can-support-your-childs-development-over-the-summer Blog | Primary
Dear Northbridge parents, here's how you can support your child's development over the summer
It has been a wonderful year in Primary here at Northbridge International School Cambodia, and as we say farewell to this school year, I thought I could share a few ideas with you on how you can support your child's development over the next few months.
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