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News image Northbridge Grade 5 mark the end of PYP with a superb Exhibition - Northbridge Grade 5 mark the end of PYP with a superb Exhibition Blog | School News | Primary
Northbridge Grade 5 mark the end of PYP with a superb Exhibition
The Grade 5 Exhibition is the culmination of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) at Northbridge International School Cambodia and an opportunity for students to research and problem solve in a collaborative group, drawing upon and extending their skills, knowledge, strengths, passions and interests in order to make a positive difference to others and the wider world.
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News image How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge - How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How we approach assessment in the Primary school at Northbridge

Perhaps one of the most complex and key aspects in the world of education, including at Northbridge International School Cambodia, is assessment. 

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News image Students as agents of change - students-as-agents-of-change Blog | Primary
Students as agents of change
Someone once asked me what my ultimate goal as an educator was. I responded that it was to release change agents into the world. To see students who have been in our school go out into society and take action to make it a better place is for me the true measure of success for us as educators. This is why when I heard of what the Grade 3 students were doing, I was so excited and proud of our teachers and our students.
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News image Five reasons for parents to get involved in their child's education - five-reasons-for-parents-to-get-involved-in-their-childs-education Blog | Primary
Five reasons for parents to get involved in their child's education
On 16 October, many Northbridge parents came to school to spend time meeting with their child’s teacher for the annual Parent-Teacher conferences. During the conferences our parents found out how their child was doing in class both socially and academically, and I trust that you all found the meetings informative and left with a clear idea of how you can best support your child at home.
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News image The importance of reading stamina - the-importance-of-reading-stamina Blog | Primary
The importance of reading stamina
In Grade 2, students have been working on increasing their reading stamina. This is the child’s ability to read independently for longer periods of time. Students in Grade 2 Green have been working on this together, reading for a little longer each day and plotting their progress on a bar chart. This will really help to build stronger readers!
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News image Why mother tongue matters - why-mother-tongue-matters Blog | Primary
Why mother tongue matters
Many parents are so excited at the prospect of teaching their child how to speak English, that they neglect the most important foundation in learning English which is fluency in their mother tongue.
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News image Why Northbridge Primary students sign up for the Student Council - Why Northbridge Primary students sign up for the Student Council Blog | Primary | Student Stories
Why Northbridge Primary students sign up for the Student Council
Student Council (STUCO) is a place for students to take leadership over action at Northbridge International School Cambodia. Here, this year's Primary STUCO representatives reveal why they joined STUCO, what they learned during their time as representatives, and why all students should consider joining.
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News image The benefits of teaching maths through inquiry at Northbridge - The benefits of teaching maths through inquiry at Northbridge Blog | Educational Insights | Primary
The benefits of teaching maths through inquiry at Northbridge
Numerous studies have shown Inquiry maths to be the most effective way of engaging and immersing students at Northbridge International School Cambodia in mathematical concepts.
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News image Why are field trips important to students at Northbridge - Why are field trips important to students at Northbridge Blog | Educational Insights | Primary
Why are field trips important to students at Northbridge?
If you ask me about why field trips are important at Northbridge International School Cambodia, there would be plenty of reasons to answer this question.
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News image How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge - How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How we know we are on the right path as educators at Northbridge
A question that always stands out when we start any educational process at Northbridge International School Cambodia; is how we can determine if we are advancing positively about the objectives we have set for ourselves as educators.
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News image We have a dedicated team of coaches and lifeguards who are there to ensure the safety of all our students during each lesson at Northbridge. Blog | Sport | Primary
The importance of the swim programme at Northbridge

At Northbridge International School Cambodia, with our covered Aquatics Centre, pool facilities and specialised staff, we are very lucky to have the opportunity for our students to learn how to swim as well as improve on existing swimming skills during our PHE classes.

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News image Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge - Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Activities
Reflections on the year so far in Primary at Northbridge
As we move into the break and celebrate Khmer New Year with our community it is time to reflect on 2022 so far at Northbridge International School Cambodia.
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News image How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge - How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge Blog | Primary | Insight and Advice
How languages integrate into the PYP curriculum at Northbridge
One of the most significant features of the IB Primary Years Program (PYP) is transdisciplinary learning. Transdisciplinary learning allows students to create connections between various school subjects. It also enables students to gain essential skills that transcend the disciplines. At NISC,  Languages are also integrated through transdisciplinary, and here is an overview of what Languages class looks like at NISC.
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News image Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge - Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge Blog | Primary | School Activities
Why we celebrate Book Week at Northbridge
During March, schools around the world have been celebrating the joys of reading for World Book Week. It is a week of showing appreciation for our favourite books and dressing up like the characters that take us along on their adventures with them.
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News image How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women - How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women Blog | steam | Primary
How STEAM education at Northbridge develops technically literate young men and women

There is an increasing focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) education in school curriculums all over the world, and NISC is no exception.

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News image Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps - Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps Blog | Primary | School Activities
Northbridge Grade 4 and 5 Action Learning Camps a great experience

The Primary Years Programme as an approach to curriculum is designed to maximise students’ experiences in every aspect and last week the Grade 4 and 5 students were fortunate enough to be involved in some non-classroom-based engagements through their Action Learning Camps (ALCs).

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News image Fostering independence in our Primary-school students - Fostering independence in our Primary-school students Blog | Primary | Parent Advice | School News | Insight and Advice
Fostering independence in our Primary-school students
As children grow, we help them to develop greater age-appropriate independence; they gradually learn important life skills such as decision-making, time-management and social skills. They learn how to live and work with others, and they learn how to make safe choices that help them to live happier and more successful lives.
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News image The importance of technology to Primary learning - The importance of technology to Primary learning Blog | Primary | School News
The importance of technology to Primary learning

There is so much new technology entering the education sector these days it is almost hard to keep track of. Here at Northbridge, we strive to review and refine what we use in class constantly. To assist with this, we use the SAMR model which is a framework created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to categorise four different types of technology integration in the classroom.

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News image Traction Man is here - Traction Man is here Blog | Primary | School News
Traction Man is here

Grade 1 have spent weeks perfecting their own Traction Man stories. Using the Book Creator app, they have written their own exciting tales with the beloved characters, Traction Man and Scrubbing Brush, from the popular stories by Mini Grey.

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News image What is Inquiry-based learning at Northbridge? - What does it mean when we talk about inquiry-based learning Blog | Parent Advice | Primary
What does it mean when we talk about inquiry-based learning?
Inquiry-based learning at Northbridge International School Cambodia is the act of gaining knowledge and skills through asking questions and finding or creating solutions
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